Chapter 29

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I woke up in someone's arms. I jerked my head up to find Isac sleeping soundlessly.

"Good morning." The words escaped his irresistible lips in a sleepy manner! Hearing his voice was like being in heaven...

Our lips were inches away from touching. I moved my head around and kissed his cheek.

"Hey." He pouted. "That's not fair." I giggled at his childish voice and poked his cheek gently. I leaned back down to kiss him but he jerked his head up and his lips stuck to my neck. My eyes widened at the feeling and my heart swelled, skipping beats. His lips moved on my neck with each kiss; every small wave of movement from his lips drove my pulse insane! I didn't think the moment could get any better, but it did... The kisses turned into sucks; he sucked on the sweet spot of my neck causing a small moan to escape my mouth; I felt him smile while he carried on sucking.
Suddenly, his tongue collided into my neck, brushing against my skin as he got more intense.

"We should go and get breakfast now." I hopped out of bed, followed by Isac.

"But your lips are my breakfast." He whined, leaning in. I placed my finger on his lips while our foreheads touch.

"You'll get more kisses later."

"Aww don't run away princess." He whined again. He whines a lot. I hid behind the door trying not to laugh. "I give up finding my princess. I'm going back to sleep." I hear his voice and his footsteps leaving the living room. I bit my cheeks to stop myself from laughing and peaked my head around the door to see the room empty.

Suddenly fingers touched my sides making me squeal. I turned around to see Isac stood behind me.

"Hey before I go on tour tomorrow, do you want to go to my friend Max's party?" He waved his phone in my face so I could read the text. "It's tonight."

"Sure" I giggled, snatching his phone off him and placing it on the table so he couldn't wave it in my face again.


Isac's friends party is tonight and I have nothing to wear. I need to go shopping but Charlotte has took Elliot (Baby Isac is now going to be called Elliot so it's not confusing. :)) to the park and Nick was at a house pqrty all night, which he still hasn't come back from; Isac is doing a little more recording at the studio today.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

Unknown: Hey, It's Kelly can we meet up at the mall? I want to apologise to you.

Why woupd Kelly want to apologise to me? She's never been nice to me before.

Me: Sure. I need to go shopping anyway.

Unknown: me too. Meet me outwide the cafe.

I changed into my pale blue skinny jeans and black nirvana t-shirt. The weather was surprisingly sunny today so I didnt need a jacket.

I scanned the cafe tables, trying to find Kelly. I spotted her and took a deep breath before sitting opposite her.

"Okay I'm here." I exhaled loudly.

"I was doubting whether you'd show up or not." She took a sip of her latte.

"What do you want Kelly?" I stared at her waiting for her reply.

"I want to apologise." She paused. "Everything I did to you before was wrong. I realised that when I had the effect on Callie. She was a bitch to you."

"Yeah, she got it from you." Kelly looked down.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do you any harm. I didn't intend to turn Callie against you, she did it at her own will. I'm just sorry she turned out to be a bigger bitch than I was." Kelly apologised. The apology seemed real, but I still have doubts if Kelly really meqns it or if its a trick.

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