Chapter 52

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"I gotta look my best for you." He winked at me. Well attempted to wink at me... He does this cute half wink and ends up closing both eyes.

"Babe you can't wink." I laughed at him and he pouted.

"How do you wink?" He asked still pouting. I winked at him and saw his cheeks turn a crimson colour.
"Okay I definitely can't wink then." I laughed at him again and leaned up pecking his lips.

We walked over to try a few of the samples first.

"How about this one?" I pointed to a rice dish and took my disposable spork and scooping some up to try.
"Mmm." I hummed as Isac tried some too. We tried another sample which was a type of cheese they made in France.

Once the chocolate was melted I dipped each strawberry in it until they were coated in chocolate and placed them on a plate taking that over to Isac along with the remaining chocolate in the bowl! Isac turned the lights off, lighting candles on the table and closing the curtains so the only source of light was the candles!

"What are you doing?" I asked him while staring at him.

"Well this is the most romantic city in the world, why not making more romantic?" He pulled out a single red rose and I placed my hand over my face as I felt my cheeks heat up. I took the rose and he snapped a picture of me, the candles and the chocolate strawberries... Now I see why he wanted to buy the strawberries and chocolate!

"Isac..." I started but he hushed me by placing his finger over my lips.

"Shh. Don't speak." He leaned in and connected our lips, they moved in perfect sync as the kiss was soft and gentle. His hands were cupped around my cheeks as I placed mine on top of his.

"Happy 9 month anniversary."

I fed him a strawberry. He leaned back on the couch and I leaned against him as we posted the pictures on Instagram with captions.

"IsacElliot: Only the best for my princess 😍 9 months ago today I became the luckiest guy alive! Always and forever my girl. 😍❤ I had no idea what love was until she stepped into my life. I never knew we would be where we are now. She's my british sweetheart and i wouldn't trade her in for the world. ❤ A romantic evening in the most romantic city is what she deserves! 😍💋 I love you to infinity and beyond Anna."

"Annabella.hartley: 9 months with this dork. 😍 I've never been happier in my life, he's changed my life completely! Without him I wouldn't know what I would be doing, I never want to think of a world without Ikke. ❤😭 As each day passes by, I fall deeper and deeper in love with him. He makes me laugh and he makes me cry but in the end I love him to the end of the universe! 😍❤🙈"

We stayed in the same position as before and just sang Isac's songs.

"...Down town do you feel the magic? to the left to the right, just look to the sky even angry birds are happy..." We sang while smiling like idiots.

"Hello, hello, but don't be afraid nooooo, cause I got your, yeah I got your love. yeah, yeah, yeah..." We sang all of his songs in random orders until there was no more songs left to sing so we stayed cuddling until we were both really tired. We blew out the candles and cuddled up under the sheets in bed and softly drifted off into a deep sleep!

Today was one of the best days of my life! I love Isac endlessly!


It's been raining non stop ever since we left the market yesterday. We were now cuddled up in the bed; my head was rested on his chest and my arm was around his stomach; his arm was around my shoulder. The position was mutual!

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