Chapter 36

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"Hey, are you okay?" Kelly asked me as I was twiddling my thumbs.

"I found this picture." I started and she just stared at me confused.
"It's of Isac."

"Ok..." Was all she could say. I pulled the photo out of my pocket and showed it to her.

"Are you sure that's Isac?" She asked and I stared at the picture closely.

"Yeah. It's him..."

"Anna..." Kelly became nervous. "I don't think you're gonna like what I tell you next." She took the picture out of my hand and turned it around to show a date on the back.

June 05, 2015. (06/05/15)

"That was last week." I said.

"There was this huge party last Friday. Maybe that's where it was taken." Kelly said, turning the picture around again.

"He never said he was going to a party..." I stared at the picture. Callie and Isac were both in the picture but it was quite dark; Callie had her arm around him while laughing and he was kissing her neck; his arms were around her waist, she had a really slutty dress on, her boobs were almost popping out!

"Come here." Kelly wrapped her arms around me, rubbing my back. I hugged her back while crying into her shoulder. Callie used to be my best friend and Kelly used to be the bitch... Now it's like I'm in an alternate universe where Kelly's my best friend and Callie's the bitch.

"I need to give my dad his pills." I pulled away from her and walked down the stairs to grab my dads pills. Just as my phone rings. Blocked number flashes up on the screen and I hesitantly press answer. I hear heavy breathing on the other end of the line like they were terrified to answer!

"He doesn't love you." The voice spoke but I didn't reply... "He doesn't love you Anna." The voice exclaimed again! They sounded like a voice off a tape recorder...

Suddenly the line went dead and I ended the call after they did. Why would they say that?

I slowly opened the door to my dads bedroom. He was fast asleep when I walked in, although it is only 7.00pm the doctors said he needs a lot of rest in order to fully recover. He shuffled around and opened his eyes at me.

"Sorry dad, I didn't mean to wake you. I just brought your pills up. You need to take two before you sleep for the night." I placed the pills and a glass of water on the table beside his bed.

"Thank you sweetie." He replied weakly. I smiled before turning around. "Anna?" He called out and I turned back around to face him.

"Yes dad?" I sat on the edge of his bed as he instructed me to.

"I know you miss your mother very much." He started. "I need to tell you that she loved you very much and I want you to know I love you very much..."

"What are you trying to say dad?" I asked him. My dad drags speeches on a lot.

"Her accident... wasn't an accident..."

"What do you mean?" I was so confused at what my father was trying to tell me.

"Well do you remember the car accident that occurred 6 years ago when she died?"

"Of course I remember, every time I close my eyes I see it." I stared down at the floor. Something else happened then. I could tell. I remember mum being angry...

"Something else happened, before that accident. Your mother and I got into this huge argument... About you..." He started explaining again but I was more confused than I was at the start. "before you were born your mother had an affair with someone else, that I didn't know about until that car journey. I was so pissed at your mother that I was speeding and then the car spun out of control..."


"I'm sorry okay I should have told you before but I didn't know how I was too scared." My mum pleaded to my dad in the car. I was sat in the back looking out of the window, the rain was pounding against the window hard!

"That's no excuse, I've raised her ever since she was born and now you tell me she might not be my daughter."

"She is your daughter..."

"If she wasn't, what would you have done then?" My dad answered back very angrily. His soft face was completely covered in rage as his blood boiled!

"Just slow down. its wet and raining really heavily." Mum grabbed onto her seat but dad sped up again. "Fucking slow down." Mum screamed as dad began to swerve, the rage on his face turned into fear in less than a second as he tried to swerve back onto the right side of the road. We ended up skidding side ways on the opposite side of the road. Mum took off her seat belt and grabbed me tightly as we collided straight into a lorry at high speed.

*flashback end*

"Your mother shielded you since the back end collided first." He stared down t the ground. "I'm so sorry princess I never meant for that to happen, I was so angry that you might not have been my daughter that I took my anger out on the car so that's why I was speeding..."

"Dad it's okay." I said crying because I was reminded of mum. "I understand." I hugged him gently before walking out. Kelly had gone home since it was late so I sat under the covers of my bed and pulled out the locket I was wearing and opened it up. I stared at the picture of my mum, remembering her.


Guys I've recently been so obsessed with an artist from England that went on Britain's Got Talent last year. 😍😍 I loved them last year but I wasn't really a fan of them but now I'm so freaking obsessed with them that I'm writing a new fanfiction about them since this one is ending very soon. 👍🏻 If you would like me to I will post the first chapter soon, otherwise I will post it just as this story is ending... its up to you what you would like me to do.

some of you are a fan of them. 🌚 They have saved lives including mine.🙊

Reply to this with "post it soon" or "post it after" and I will make a decision 😘❤️ love us guys/girls so much.

- Author

To Be With You (Isac Elliot)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin