Chapter 37

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WARNING: Smut again in this chapter. oops.

I heard that there was another party Isac was invited to... I tapped on my phone and pressed the phone to my ear.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hey." Isac finally picked up after 6 rings.

"Hey. It's Anna." I said like he didnt recognise my voice. "Hey, you know theres a party tonight."

There was a pause...

"Yeah..." he mumbled.

"Are you going?" I asked him. There was a pause on the other end of the line.

"Um... I don't..." he stuttrred and I rolled my eyes.

"I want to go." I blurted out, cutting him off.

"Oh..." was all he said. "Then yes. Yes I'm definitely going." He said soundingrelieved and excited.

"Good." Was all I could reply with.

"I miss you." He said with a calmer voice which gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"I miss you too ikke. I love you." There was a pause again and mutters.

"Sorry Mum started talking to me. I love you too princess. See you soon." He told me and made a kissy sound before hanging up.

I ran up to my room and picked out an outfit for the party. It was a house party of course. They seem to be the only parties Isac goes to... I decided to wear my little red dress with my red flats. I hated wearing high heels, they hurt my feet and make an annoying clicking sound everytime you walk...


I got out of the car and spotted Isac stood there waiting by the door.

"Whoa. Anna." His eyes almost popped out of their sockets. All I could do was giggle at him.

"You're so cute." I told him which caused him to smile. I pressed my lips against his for a second. I had missed the taste of his soft plump lips.

"I'd missed the taste of you." He told me giving me a wink. I giggled again and he offered me his arm, I took it and walked inside with him. Music was blasting out and there was all kinds of people surrounding us:

Drunk people

Sober people

Sexually frustrated people

High people

Sexually active people

Drug dealers


"Whoa how many people are here?" I looked around at everyone, gripping Isac's arm tightly.

"Isac." A blonde haired girl svreamed and ran up to him hugging her. She wasnt rhat older than us maybe 16... isac hugged her back greeting her.

"Oh Riley this is Annabella. Anna this is my cousin Riley, she's 17 today." Isac smiled widely and I shook hands with her whilst smiling.

"Its nice to meet you and happy birthday." She smiled widely at me after I said that.

"Thank you. Thats so nice of you." She pulled her hand away from me and looked me up and down. "Isac she's so much prettier than you said she was." I felt my cheeks flush up, knowing that Isac had chatted to her about me.

She threw her arm around him.

"This guy does not stop talking about you. Everytime hes over its..." she changed her voice imitating Isac. "Anna this, Anna that." She giggled which made me giggle and flush up more. "Its really cute." She messed up his hair and he tried moving away.

"Oh Annabella help yourself to drinks." She leaned in whispering to me. "Its all alcohol, shhh. Dont tell my parents." She winked at me before walking away. I giggled again.

"Sorry. She's embarrassing." Isac fixed his hair and I wrapped my arms around his neck, I felt his arms creep around my waist.

"I think she's nice." I pecked his lips, smiling after as he placed his lips on mine, kissing me for a few seconds.

I put aside the fact that I saw the picture of him kissing Callies neck at a party just last week...


My vision was blurry and the room was spinning. I may have had a bit too much alcohol but I didnt care, it took my mind off things and its the first time ive ever gotten drunk before. I usually hated the vile taste of alcohol but this one was different... it was actually really nice...

I zoned out and the next thing I know Isac smashed his lips on mine and we were in a room without crowds of people.
"Ah no tongue." I placed my finger up to his lips, stopping him from kissing. He placed his hand under my butt which cauded mw to laugh for some reason, suddenly he kisses me shoving his tongue in my mouth!

Well played Lundèn...

He grabbed both my thighs signalling me to jump so I did, i wrapped my legs around his waist. He lays me down on the bed kissing down my jaw and planting kisses and sucks on my neck, hitting my soft spot which causes me to moan...

I havent updated in a while im so sorry. I promise I will update a lot more. Thank you for do many reads whoa 65.9k you guys are the best. You keep me going! :) so I promise to be more active. Thank you so much.

Q: whats your favourite song rn?
A: mine is She's Kinda Hot by 5SOS or You've Got My Number by Benjamin Lasiner. What about you?

- Author

To Be With You (Isac Elliot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora