Chapter 54

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I heard his footsteps and then he opened the door. I shot him and the soft, bullet hit his chest.

"Geez." Isac jumped, pulling the door back to him in shock.

"Yess." I yelled jumping up and down until one of the soft bullets hit my stomach causing me to stare at him as he held up the other gun.
"I knew you took the other one." I aimed the gun at him as he aimed his at me.

"You're good Hartley." He closed one eye so he was focusing on me. I ducked behind the bed so he missed me. I shot him and the bullet hit the door as he closed it, he reopened it when he heard the nerf bullet drop to the floor. I ran and jumped behind the sofa... I heard him chuckle and shot him in the leg.

"Ow." He whined and stuck to the wall like a spy before crawling along it and doing a forward roll before shooting me in the arm.

He ran around in a circle like a chicken, waving his arms in the air and screeching. I stared at him weirdly as he continued.

"What are you doing?" I asked him pulling a "what da fuq" face at him.

"Distracting you." He said as he shot me, hitting my arm as I covered my face.
"Ha. ha." He screamed and then hid behind the couch. I think it's safe to say he's had enough sugar today...

"Why did you even have nerf guns in your suitcase?" I asked him, staring into his eyes. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ears while he responded.

"For days like this when we have nothing to do." He smiled, kissing my forehead.

"What about this?" I pulled out a condom packet and his face turned a tomato red color! I stared at him waiting for his answer and he grabbed the packet off me.

"Uhh. That... I never put that in there." He stuttered, staring at the ground embarrassed. I stared at him with a smirk on my face.

"Hmm. Then how did it get in your bag?" I asked him. I saw it when I pulled out the nerf gun and I just blinked at it for a seconds to see if it was real or not...

"I... I don't know." He fidgeted slightly, he was extremely uncomfortable right now.

"Dude your mum put it in there." I told him before reading the note she left. "Be safe - love Mom xx" I read to him and he face palmed, feeling even more embarrassed.

"Oh my gawd." He yelled out, his face still as red as a tomato.

He shoved the condom packet in his back pocket.

"I saw that." I told him and he shrugged.

"Saw what?"


WARNING: smut!

I grabbed my purse and placed it inside my bag. We were going to the Eiffel Tower today since it wasn't raining.

Since it was fall I was wearing my black soft jumper over a tee and then a red trench-like coat over top with my black ripped jeans and black boots. I stole Isac's Lipstick bandana and wrapped it under my knee, like he usually does. He strolled out of the bathroom wearing his black jeans with knee gashes and grey sweater like top with his grey Jordan's on. He was also wearing his black SnapBack backwards. He smiled at me, holding up my better hat.

"You almost forgot something." He placed it on top of my head and then noticed the bandana.
"Nice bandana. It suits you baby." He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and then attacked my neck with short, sweet kissed again which made me giggle uncontrollably every time!

"Isac stahp!" I teased trying to push him away, giggling. He stopped kissing my neck and stared into my eyes, resting his chin on my shoulder for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Come on. We better go so we can make it to the Eiffel Tower." He grabbed the key card and closed the door behind us. Once we were out in the cold fall air he grabbed my bag and I jumped on his back, he held my legs as I wrapped my arms around his chest.

We walked up the flight of stairs of the Eiffel Tower until we got to the part we had to pay to go up the elevator. We zoomed up on the elevator until we reached the top, where we steppe out and took a few pictures together and of the view. We were very high up on the Tower but the view was breath taking, You could see the whole of Paris from the top.

Isac grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, my arms were rested on his chest as one of his was around my waist while he held the camera up with his other. We leaned in and our lips connected, I felt his arm move as he took a picture before wrapping his other arm around my waist too. We released our lips and rested our foreheads against each other's.

Isac took my hand and laced our fingers together as we stepped inside the elevator, descending down. We caught a taxi back to the hotel and climbed up the stairs and into our room.

I collapsed onto our bed as soon as we got back and stared at the white ceiling. I closed my eyes for a second before opening them to see Isac hovering over me, his hands were rested either side of my head on the sheets. Everything was silent...

He leaned down, smashing his lips onto mine. Our lips moved slowly in perfect sync. I felt him climb on the bed so I crawled back up to the top of the bed; I was now lay on the sheets and he was lay on top of me; my legs were open and my knees were up either side of him as his body was pressed against mine! I gripped his back with my hands as the pace of the kiss got faster and more intense. Our tongues twirled and danced in my mouth, fighting for dominance!

His lips travelled down my jawline to my neck where he found my swet spot and sucked on It, causing ke to moan... I slid my hand down his back and further to his butt where I felt something in his pocket.

"Baby what's in your pocket?" I slid my hand in his pocket as he unstuck his lips from my neck. I pulled out something square and held it up. It was the condom... Again... I pulled a face at him and he flushed up a crimson color.

"I... Ehh...I can't wait until we're sixte..." I cut him off by crashing my lips on his; the kiss was intense, passionate and full of so much lust, I slid his jacket off his shoulders and he pulled his arms out of the sleeves, throwing the jacket on the ground without breaking the kiss. I gripped the bottom of his t-shirt and began slidding it up his body until it was over his head and thrown on the floor. He connected our lips again, biting my bottom lip as his hands slid over my skin under my shirt; I helped him take my shirt off breaking the kiss. He bit his lip before sticking his lips to my neck like glue...

Some how I thought this was going to be a night I wouldn't regret...

Isac's POV

I pulled Anna's t-shirt off and had to bite my lip at the sight of her. My heart was racing at the speed of light before I attacked her neck by sticking my lips to her flesh and sucking on her sweet spot. She breathed out a few moans... Oh her moans drive me insane...

I sucked harder on her neck before travelling my lips further down her body...

This was going to be the best night of your life Anna! I swear you won't regret it...


Hehe. Isac's POV tho ;) Hope you liked this chapter. What did you think? Please leave a comment and a vote if you liked it.

Also I think this story could be coming to an end soon... I'll see what happens before I decide to end it yet or not.

- Author

To Be With You (Isac Elliot)Where stories live. Discover now