Chapter 34

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"Kelly. Change of plan, get them over now."

"Why?" I heard her on the other end of the line.

"Because I'm coming now instead that's why." She sighed before I hung up, making my way up the stairs.


"I'm not getting dressed." I crossed my arms at Isac and just stared at him as he grabbed his shirt. He swirled around and walked closer, I backed away until I was leaned against the wall, his body was inching closer to mine as he placed his arms either side of me on the wall. I had to admit it made me feel quite intimidated.

He leaned his head down to my ear and bit the cartilage gently which made my heart start pounding against my chest...

"Get dressed or you won't get any of this tonight." He whispered into my ear and kissed the spot under my ear. He moved his head away and I stared into his eyes, pushing him away.

"What if I dressed you?" He asked and I just stared at him.

"I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself Isac." I spoke bitterly and he raised his hands in surrender before pulling his shirt over his head. He ambled out of my room and closed the door behind him.

I exhaled a huge sigh I didn't realise I was holding in before changing into my nirvana t-shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. I threw on my black adidas jumper and my black adidas trainers before opening my door to find Isac stood there on his phone, he stared up and smiled.

"Let's go." I spoke quickly, walking past Isac and down the stairs. He opened the front door and lead us outside. We ambled in silence as we travelled to wherever Isac was taking me to 'prove that he didn't kiss Kelly'...

We had been walking for a while now... I was getting bored.

"Isac where are we going?" I moaned and started dawdling.

"We're almost there. Now close your eyes." Isac told me and I just stared at him... He placed his hands over my eyes as I refused to cooperate with him.
"Isac..." I groaned at him as he started walking me forward.
"Release me Isac." I placed my hands over his and struggled to pull them away from covering my eyes. We stopped for a second and I heard a 'ping' noise. I'm guessing it was an elevator.

I ripped his hands away from my eyes as we moved up in the elevator. He stared down at the floor and turned away from me as the awkward silence continued. The elevator doors opened but Isac didn't move so I stepped out just before Isac grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"Isac what you doing? Weren't you going to prove..."

"Do you love me?" He suddenly blurted out, started my into my eyes. I just stared at him, wondering where this question had came from.

"Isac..." I stepped closer to him and he took a step back.

"Do you love me?" His voice was croaky and a thin layer of water appeared in his eyes. I hate seeing Isac cry, it makes me want to cry. I released his grip from my wrist and smashed my lips onto his while I cupped my hands around his cheeks, he cupped his hands around my cheeks as we walked backwards until Isac was leant against the back of the elevator. His eyes were closed, trapping the tears... Our lips moved in sync intensely as we poured all of our emotions into that one kiss.

I do love him, but he kissed another girl. How was I suppose to react to that?

We pulled our lips apart and I rested my forehead against his.

"Don't ever think I don't love you because I do." I planted a kiss onto his lips again.


Hey again. I'm back and I am changing the next few chapters so please be patient as it takes a while. Thank you. :)

Much love
- Author

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