Chapter 57

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I accidentally booked a whole month off." The words flew out of his mouth and hit me straight in the stomach. I threw my arms around him.

"So you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Come on let's go on periscope." I grabbed his phone, clicking the periscope app and clicking on live.

There's a red Porsche there." He told me and nodded.
"Oh look there's a guy on segway." He watched the guy on the street as he travelled around on the segway.
"Yeah. Okay." He turned his attention back to the camera.

"You get distracted so easily." I giggled at him and he stared over at me smiling.

"Can you twerk?"

"Have you got spotify?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm not sure I have that song on here..." I searched through my offline songs and he turned the camera on me.
"Okay I do." I told him as he set his phone up on the table so it was pointed towards him. I clicked play and the song 'Gas pedal' started playing.
He started twerking and I couldn't help but giggle at him.

He stopped twerking and placed his hands around my waist, picking me up and spinning me around playfully before letting go.

"The stage is yours princess." He grabbed my phone off me and I couldn't help but laugh at myself as I attempted to twerk.

Key word: attempted!

"Can you do me a favour?" I asked him.

"Of course princess." He smiled at me and I turned to far him.

"Never grow up." I stared deeply into his eyes and he just stared at me puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to create a family with you and I want to stay in your arms forever but time is short an our childhood is slipping away. We're going to be fifteen in a month, we're getting older. But I don't want to, I don't want to take on more responsibilities and start working because then it feels like I'm no longer a child even though I still am... Just do me a favour and never grow up sunshine, promise me you'll keep your childish spirit and you won't act older than you are. Life is short and I just want to live it. I don't want to get my own house/apartment, I don't want to not have my dad with me. I just want us to stay kids forever... Being a grown up is boring..." I stared down at our interlocked fingers and he rubbed his thumb over the top of my hand.

"I'll never grow up baby girl, I promise. Don't worry about the future, just live now and if you want to stay a little kid that is completely fine with me, I love you no matter what princess." His lips connected with my flesh as he planted a soft, light kiss on my forehead.

"Good night princess, you're forever and always mine."


"Mom, dad we're home from Paris." Isac yelled wanting to surprise his parents.

"Oh my god my little boy is back." Linda rushed over to Isac and threw her arms around him.
"Did you two have a safe flight? Why didn't you call us?"

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