Chapter 50

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Before you begin i just want to tell you that Bars And Melody's new album 143 is pure perfection. I'm obsessed with it.😍😍😍 Okay now read this chapter.


"Welcome to Paris." Isac threw his arms up in the air as we walked out of the airport. I stared around at the beautiful view.

Our room was on the third floor at the end.

I stared around it and jumped on the king sized bed, staring up at the ceiling. Isac just chuckled at me before joining me.

"I wasn't actually expecting it to rain today." He confessed to me and I turned to face him, pecking his lips gently.

"It's still amazing to be here." I smiled widely, walking over to the window, looking out. We had a view of the Eiffel Tower in the distance; colorful lights glowed up the whole of Paris and it was breath taking. It was still raining heavily and it was now thundering and lightning!

Long arms snaked around my stomach and I placed my hand on top of his, knowing it was Isac, since we were the only ones here. I leaned back into him, continuing to stare out the window, his lips brushed against my cheek causing me to blush up a crimson colour!

"I admit I've never been to Paris but I heard its very romantic." He whispered to me before kissing my cheek again.

"I know it's early baby but can we go to sleep, I have jetlag." I rubbed my eyes slightly as we walked over to our bags. I pulled out my light blue t-shirt and pj shorts. I took my jacket off and threw it on top of my suitcase.

"Okay arms up." Isac told me and I stared at him suspiciously as I did what he commanded. I raised my arms and he gripped the bottom of my t-shirt, pulling it up over my head; he pulled my pj top over my head until it was covering me. He then tugged at my jeans and I nodded at him; he buttoned and unzipped my jeans, pulling them down; I stepped out and then stepped into my pj shorts. He pulled them up to my hips and then smiled at me.

"Good night princess." He turned off the lamp next to him so we were in darkness. The only sound heard was the rain battering against the window and the rumble of thunder. I turned my back to Isac and he crawled closer, wrapping his arm around my waist so he was spooning me! I smiled to myself before slowly drifting off.


"What are we doing today?" I asked Isac, as he was searching through his suitcase. I was sat on the bed, eating the bag of raisins I placed in my bag for the plane journey. Which I never actually ate.

"I thought we could go to the swimming pool for a little bit."He told me, unzipping one part of his suitcase. "Aha." He held up his swimming shorts. He knelt down on the bed in front of me, grabbing a handful of raisins from my bag and stuffing them in his mouth.

"Hey. They're my raisins." I pouted at him as I covered the bag with my hand, teasing him.

"You can get them back." He muffled with his mouthful and then smirked at me. I leaned forward until our lips were a few millimeters away...

"Nah. You can have them." I teased him, moving my head away and crossing my legs. He stared at me as he swallowed the raisins; he grabbed both of my arms and pinned me to the bed, being very dominant; I had to uncross my legs and place one either side of him with my knees up; he leaned against my body and crashed his lips on mine! He intertwined our fingers together as our lips moved fast in sync, I loved when he kissed me by surprise, it made my knees go weak and it made the kiss more special!

I wrapped my legs around his waist, kissing him with so much passion and lust! He pulled away, biting his lip softly. My heart started palpitating and my stomach did flips, that sexy lip bite. Why is he doing this to me?

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