Chapter 7

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I removed his hand and backed away from him. What is he doing here? God, what if Kelly is here too? Her words have been swirling around my mind for hours now:

"If I see you talk to him, look at him or even think of him I swear I will make your life miserable. Or personally kill your dad..."

"Isac what are yo..." I was cut off by Isacs lips smacking into mine. I was in such a shock. I just froze.

To my surprise I responded and started kissing him back. Our lips moved in perfect sync and I soon felt his arms snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. The kiss was passionate and full of lust.

He began to deepen the kiss while pulling me closer to him. Our chests were now touching. I arched my back and felt his grip get tighter.

I opened my eyes and we pulled away. His arms were still around my waist and mine his neck. I loosened one hand and cupped his cheek.

Then I remembered what Kelly had said and pulled him away from me.

"Anna what's wrong?" I couldn't see his facial expression because it was so dark in my room. I could sense that he was both confused and worried at the same time.

"You shouldn't be here" I said and heard a knock at the door.

"Honey is everything alright I heard a scream. Why is your door locked so late at night?" I heard my dad from the other side.

Suddenly I was pinned to the wall by Isac. He held my arms on each side of my head against the wall, i couldn't move. His body was against mine. I felt my heart race at a fast pace in my chest.

I felt his hot breath against my cold flesh.

"Don't tell him I'm here. I only need to talk to you." he whispered into my ear. His lips only centre metres away from me.

"Uh I'm fine dad. I just had a nightmare. But everything's fine." I lied. Never had I lied to my dad before. I felt so guilty.

"Alright sweetie. Go back to sleep soon." I heard him disappear slowly and turned to Isac who I suspect was smiling.

"What do you want?" I snap at him and try to get free from him. But he was too strong, I couldn't move.

"I need to talk to you. What happened to you back at the cafe?" I avoided eye contact with him.

"Tell me Anna please." I still didn't respond and just looked down.

"Anna look at me and tell me." He demanded. To be honest I actually liked when he took control a bit. It just made me feel some type of way.

I looked him straight in the eyes.

"I was threatened okay." I snapped, frowning at him. He gasped.

"What?" He says looking me in the eyes and frowning. "by who?" I could hear in his voice that he was angry.

"Kelly. She got one of her 'guys' to drag me around the back and she threatened me. Now please go I don't want my dad to end up dead." My voice started wobbling on the last word.


That's what my mother was. Four years ago the incident happened.


"Mum, mum wake up the car is ruined." I shook my mum but she never woke up. I saw that she had a huge cut spread across her forehead.

"Mum?" I was suddenly pulled away by a doctor. "mum noooo" I screamed while tears streamed down my face, one after the other.

"I'm sorry but your mother is in a better place now." The doctor said to me putting a blanket around my shoulders.

"No no she can't be dead, she ccan't" I cried.

*end of flashback*

Isac wiped away a falling tear. I didn't even realise that my eyes were watery.

"Nothing's going to happen to your dad Ann I promise." He smiles at me. That smile just makes me melt everytime.

"Kelly said that she would personally kill my dad and make my life miserable If I was around you." I looked down and heard Isac gasp.

Isac released me and sat at the end of my bed. I watched him.

"She really said that to you?" He looked up at me and I looked away and nodded.

"Anna I'm so sorry I had no idea." He stood up again and tried to hold my hand. I pulled away everytime he did.

"Of course not because I'm just your charity case." I snapped turning away from him. I folded my arms and looked down.

"Who said anything about charity?" He ran around to my front and stared at me confusedly.

"Ugh, don't play dumb Isac I know what I am to you." Isac then pulled me closer to him. His arms were tangled around my waist.

"Isac let go of me." I struggled to get free and felt Isacs lips smack into mine again.

My heart started pounding rapidly. Butterflies were yearning in my stomach and threatening to burst out.

Isac's lips were so soft and gentle. He made me forget about the whole drama from Kelly.

I started to kiss back and he pulled me closer. This kiss wasn't like the one before, this one was slow and gentle. I rested one hand on his chest and the other around his neck. His heart beat was racing rapidly. He slowly released my lips and looked directly into my eyes. He looked down.

He suddenly let go of me. Did I do something wrong?

"I can't do this anymore?" He says turning around and walking slowly to the other end if the room.

"Do what Isac?" I stared at him confusedly. He walked back over to me and pulled me close to him again.

"I love you Annabella Marie Hartley." My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat.


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