Chapter 40

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Anna's POV:

I wandered in through the front door to my house and noticed Josh stood there with his arms crossed.

"Um hi." I spoke.

"Dan said I could stay here as I haven't applied to go back to school and I have nowhere else to stay." Josh told me and I just nodded my head and smiled at him slightly.

"Ok well I'm meeting Isac at Frankie and Benny's so I'll be gone for a few hours." I told him before rushing upstairs. He mumbled something under his breath but I couldn't work out what he mumbled...


I slipped into my little red dress and red flats that I wore to the party; curling my hair and applying a short burst of make up to my face to make it look more appealing!

I walked down to Frankie and Benny's and pushed the door open looking around.

"Hey I was suppose to meet someone here." I told the waitress.

"Okay well come to a table so you can wait." I followed her to a table so I could see out the window. "Would you like any drinks?"

"Can I have a strawberry milkshake please?" I told her and smiled.

"Yes of course." She gave me a menu before walking away to make the milkshake.


I stared around at all the people leaving and entering the restaurant. 4 hours had gone by and he still hadnt shown up. I placed my chin in my hand and puffed out a sigh. I had eaten a few slices of pizza leaving a few more. I decided to finish eating the pizza and the second milkshake I had ordered.

"Is everything alright miss?" The waitress asked me.

"Yes thank you. Can I have the check please?" I asked her knowing thst Isac wouldn't show up and it was 9:35pm already.

"Yes of course ill give it to you in a second." The waitress took away the empty plate and glasses before coming back with the check. Once I'd paid I walked out the door and waited a few seconds to see if Isac would turn up. Although I kind of knew he wouldn't.

I heard footsteps and turned my head to see a few girls walking my way. It didn't phase me too much until I noticed they were headed towards me.

"Are you Annabella Hartley?" One of them asked.

"Y-yes." I spoke hesitantly And two of the girls stared at each other before one of them hit me around the head, making me fall to the ground as all I saw was blackness...


I woke up not knowing where I was. It was like an alleyway out of sight of everyone... I stood to my feet after a minute and noticed the girls stood in front of me. The one in front had her hand on her hip.

"Do you honestly think Isac loves you?" She asked me and two girls behind her had bars in their hands. The weapon they used to knock me out. My head was pounding as I touched it to find blood on the side of my face...

"Why would a guy like him go for a girl like you?" She questioned taking a step towards me...

I turned around to run but I was greeted with two other girls, but these girl didn't have bars in their hands...

"I'm going to ask you nicely sweetheart. Stay away from Isac." The girl was right up in my personal space.

"You're not a real fan." The girl laughed bitterly at my statement.

"And you are? Only going after him because he's rich and famous." She hissed at me.

"Real fans want Isac to be happy and clearly you don't so you're not a real fan."

"And you make him happy? I don't think so honey. If anything you make his life miserable. I mean look at you, you're pathetic. Nothing but weak..." She started laughing at me and I just raised my eyebrows.

"Who said anything about being weak?" I pushed the girl away from me and the two girls behind me ran at me. I du led and blocked their punches and kicks. I threw punches and kicks at them and get them a few times, I pushed one of them into the wall and twisted the other girls arm around her back throwing her to the ground.

The girl that was threatening me stared at me nervously before her other tow "friends" started walking towards me...

I legged it around the corner. I started running as fast as I could down the street away from them. Once I was sure I had lost them I pulled out my phone and ring Tanya.

"Tanya. Please come and pick me up." I was breathing heavily. Since I was hiding behind the corner of a house I kept on looking back to see if the girls were still falling me.

"I don't know where I am. Some kind of town. Uh..." I looked around for a sign and soon found one.
"Broaden street." I told her and hung up, leaning my head against the side of the house in fear. I had taken defence classes in case things like this happened and now that it was happening it was so nerve-racking...

My head started pounding again and I placed my hand over the wound.

I waited and waited until Tanya came and shot into the car before she had even stopped. I was so paranoid I would see the girls...

"Is everything okay? Why were you out so late? And why here?" Tanya asked being concerned. But I couldnt tell her what was happening...

"Yeah its fine. I just met up with a friend and walked them home thats why I needed a lift back." I told her, well... lied to her. To be honest I had no idea how far away I was from my own street. I'm just glad it was dark so she couldn't see the cut in my forehead.

I leant my elbow on the car and placed my chin in my hand, staring out the window. A lot has happened... it's like i was this animal being hunted... like theres something someone wants from me and they weren't gonna take the easy way of getting it from me. They had to threat me...

Make my life a misery before taking what they wanted.

Of course I knew what they wanted... They wanted Isac...

But they wanted me out of the picture...

We pulled up my drive and as soon as Tanya stopped I opened the door and raced inside, running up to my room and locking my door behind me. The tears came crashing down my cheeks as I slid down my bedroom door.

I sat on the window sill looking out. The tears still streaming down. I ran my fingers along the chain of my neck and pulled out the heart shaped locket... I unclicked it and opened it up. The picture inside was my mum. I smiled seeing her beautiul face again.

"Thank you mum. For saving my life." I whispered.

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