Chapter 30

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Unknown: Hey, It's Kelly can we meet up at the mall? I want to apologise to you.

I scanned the cafe tables, trying to find Kelly. I spotted her and took a deep breath before sitting opposite her.

"Okay I'm here." I exhaled loudly.

"I was doubting whether you'd show up or not." She took a sip of her latte.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do you any harm. I didn't intend to turn Callie against you, she did it at her own will. I'm just sorry she turned out to be a bigger bitch than I was." Kelly apologised.

"That was Isac, the party's already started." I told Kelly.

"What? I thought you said it starts at 7:00."

"Yeah it does." I checked the time on my phone. "It's 7:12 now."

"We better get ready then." Kelly scanned through every bag getting our dresses out.

"You're right. Screw him, a girl doesn't need a guy to be happy." She wrapped her arm around mine and walked over to the drinks. "Do you want a drink?" She offered passing me a red cup.

"I won't have a drink tonight." I turned away looking around for Isac. I spotted him getting too comfortable with a blonde girl at the other end of the room. "Actually I think I will." I picked up the cup and drunk it all. It tasted vile but I kept drinking it anyway.

"Are you okay?" She shouted over the music.

"Yeah. Who needs guys to have fun? Not us." I shouted back, finishing my drink. I glanced over at Isac and the girl. "I need another drink." I walked back over to the table and filled my cup up drinking it all, staring at Isac and the girl pushing through the crowds of people. I quickly filled my drink up again and rushed over to Kelly, watching Isac and HER getting a drink.

"Put these on and go to bed. You'll get a hang over in the morning but that's a punishment for getting drunk." She told me and I groaned, walking into my room to get changed. Once I'd changed into my pjs, I climbed into bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.


My head was pounding and my eyes felt extremely sensitive to the sunlight shining through the sheets.

I walked into the bathroom staring at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. Grabbing a towel, I jumped into the shower just letting the water run down my body.

I changed back into my black dress. What? I can't dress up nice in my own house?! It was such a beautiful dress and I won't have very many places to wear it... I stared at myself in the mirror, admiring the stunning, silk I was wearing!

"Ah, my head." The pounding attacked my head again. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, looking in every cupboard for paracetamol.

"Looking for these?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Nick." I snatched the pills off him and took one to try and ease the pain.

"Why were you out so late getting drunk Anna?" He snapped at me. "I came back at midnight to find you weren't here. Then I hear you come in at 2am drunk as fuck. What happened to you Anna?"

"I grew up." I snarled at him walking past.

"Was your boyfriend there?" I stopped in the doorway, thinking of Isac with that girl. Although I didn't remember much, my mind was a haze. "Is he the reason you came home late?" Nick continued. I spun around staring at him.

"Yes, my so called 'boyfriend' was there and yes I got drunk. He was the reason I got drunk, he was the reason the whole night was a disaster. No, I wasn't with him. But you know who was? A blond, prettier girl. That's who he was with all night and that's why I got drunk." I screamed at him. It felt so good letting it all out. "I wouldn't even be surprised if they had sex."

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