Chapter 2

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"Hey Anna wait up" I heard a familiar male voice. I turned to see Isac running up to me. What do I do? Do I smile.

I just smiled at him and walked into the cafeteria. Suddenly I felt a hand grip my wrist and pull me.

"Hey let go of me" I struggled without looking up to see who it was. Before I knew it I was pinned to the wall. I looked up to see one of Liam's friends, Brett.

"Brett let go of me" I struggled to get free from his grip. Ugh he is such a jerk.

"Oh come on princess we both know that Liam won't care. After all he did ditch you for something you won't believe." He smirked.

"No. He went to do his work" I snapped at him and pushed him away. He grabbed my wrists and dug his finger nails into my skin. I struggled again.

"Ow Brett you're hurting me"

"Don't run away and I won't hurt you! I need to ask you a question"

"Just leave me alone." I tried to get away from him but he dug his nails in deeper. The pain in my wrists was getting sharper... it felt like a dagger just punctured my arm!

"Who was that guy you were with at the bus stop?" He said through gritted teeth. He scares me alot. Brett is on the rugby (american football) team so he's very strong.

"No one he just lives near me now let me go."

"Not until you answer truthfully."

"She said let her go" I heard a familiar male voice but didn't look up, I was desperately trying to stop the tears from escaping my eyes.

"What if I don't?" Brett spoke smirking and digging his nails in deeper. I groaned in pain.

"Dude let her go. you're hurting her." I looked up and found Isac grabbing Brett's arms and trying to pull him away.

Soon my arms were released and all of sudden Isac fell to the floor. I screamed in shock.

Did he..? Brett just punched Isac...

I covered my mouth with my hands still In shock. A random guy came and pulled Brett away and everyone was crowded around Isac.

Soon the nurse came and helped him up. He just glanced at me and walked with the nurse! His nose was bleeding, I felt so guilty. He was the only one that was trying to help me but that ended up with him being in the nurses room.

His first day of school too. Poor Isac.

"Oh Isac..." I said to myself just as he was taken away.

Callie came rushing over to me.

"What the heck happened?" She then saw my arms and looked at me worriedly. "What happened to you? Who did this?"

"Callie slow down I'll explain everything after lunch. I'm starving"

I had just explained everything to Callie and now she was going to shout at Brett. Ha.

I was sitting on the grass reading my 'kill a mockingbird' book. Yes I know, I'm a nerd. But I'm okay with it.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to see Isac sitting next to me. He smiled "Hey"

"Hey. how are you?" I asked looking at his nose. He still had a bit of blood clung to the bottom of his nostril.

"Uhh. okay it wasn't that bad" he wiped away the blood with a tissue.

"Are you kidding?" I turned and sat facing him. "It looked like you were bleeding buckets."

He turned to me and chuckled. I smiled and looked away.

"How are your arms?" He points to my arms. My sleeves were rolled down. I clenched the bottom of them feeling kind of anxious.

"Uh... fine" I avoided eye contact with him and looked down shyly.

"Are you sure? You don't mind if I check do you?" He was so polite it was unbelievable! Maybe I was wrong about him. I used to think that we was just another attention seeking celebrity. But it turns out that he's actually not!

I didn't even realise that I nodded, he slowly pulled up my sleeves and revealed my bruises. Both arms were purple and red. They looked terrible!

"Oh my god Anna" he said and ran his fingers over the bruises gently and turning his body to face me. He looked straight into my eyes.

"Why did he do this?" He asked. I quickly pulled down my sleeves and didn't look at him.

I felt a hand lift up my chin gently. I looked into Isac's eyes for a few seconds.

"Please tell me." He smiled and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were sparkling even in the cold Autumn!

"I don't know why. I think it has something to do with my boyfriend. I'm not sure." I looked down just thinking of Liam and how he's changed, it makes me depressed.

I rest my head in between my knees and feel a hand on my shoulder. I'm guessing Isac's. He rubs up and down my shoulder gently. I would look up but I'm pretty sure I'm blushing...

There's just something about being around Isac that just makes me so nervous. It's like I've known him my whole life. When I see him looking/glancing at me my heart just starts palpitating! I can't control anything, my legs just melt and he makes it so hard to concentrate whenever he's around!

"Hey Isac" Kelly called him over. She was twirling her light brown perfectly wavy hair around her finger. "come and meet my friends."

Ugh, I don't want Isac to be around her. She's one of those people where you don't want to be around her because you feel something bad can happen.

"I'm okay over here" he responded.


Did I hear that properly? Did he just turn down Kelly again? Just to be with me. I sigh.

"Isac you can go over there if you want, I won't stop you." I stood up and walked away with my book.

I felt someone grab my arm gently.

"Anna, I don't want to go over there. I want to talk to you. Everything's easier with you. you're the first friend I made here and that's not changing."

I felt myself blush so I looked away.

Kelly took Isac's arm and pulled him away slowly.

"So, I think having you here is gonna make the school much more fun." She smiled, beaming her perfectly white teeth at him.

I have to admit that seeing him with her gave me a crunching feeling in my stomach. It was like someone was slowly shattering my insides into a million pieces. I hated it.


I plug my earphones in as soon as I sit my ass down on a bus seat. I started playing my Justin Timberlake playlist and close my eyes.

The bus jolts to a halt and I quickly stand up and walk off, just to be greeted by Isac himself. He was smiling at me.

"I'll walk you home" he says out of the blue.

"Umm... O-kay" I say shyly and we start walking to my house. "I don't live far away from here you know. It's just a few minute walk."

He looks at me as I walk which makes me paranoid that I've said something wrong.

"So I was gonna go to the mall to just chill Saturday, do you want to come?" He finally broke the silence. It wasn't that awkward.

"Uh I'm not sure i might be doing something with Liam Saturday. I'll get back to you on that"

We arrived at my house and just stood there in silence.

"This is me." I pointed to the door and he studied it for a few seconds.

"I guess that means ill see you tomorrow then." He bit his lip slightly while looking me in the eyes. I probably shouldn't say this because I'm with Liam, but he looks sexy as hell biting his lip.

I rolled my lips together and just walked inside waving to him.

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