Chapter 12

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A few weeks have passed since the Isac and Callie incident and I've become really good friends with Lucy and Josh.

Isac hasn't stopped trying to call me, he's texted me like a thousand times. Ugh, I can't deal with him. He broke me inside and it's changed everything! I lost Callie, but worst of all...

I lost him...

He was my true love, the guy that picked up the pieces and sewed them back together again after Liam completely destroyed them. The guy that no matter what mood he was in always attempted to make me smile. The guy that would send sparks like fireworks cursing through my veins! The guy that I fell truly, madly, deeply in love with...

"Don't tell me you're thinking of him again." I heard a female voice and snapped out if my thoughts. Lucy was sat opposite me at the lunch table. "Girl, you're not going to get over him if you keep thinking about him." Maybe she was right. Maybe wrong.

The truth is I didn't know what I wanted. Half of me wanted to get over him, but half of me wanted to never get over him. My feelings are so confusing.

"I wasn't thinking of him." I claimed but we both know I was.

"He kissed your best friend Bells. He's not worth it, he's just another player that will pick up your heart and crush it in his hands." Lucy really dislikes Isac. Even before he broke my heart, I have no idea why though. She won't tell me.

The bell alarmed and I walked to art class. I didn't mind art, mostly because I was actually good at it. I walked in the room and guess who was sat next to my seat? Him.

But I had no choice but to sit next to him, since there were no more seats left in the room. I walked over and sat down not even looking at him.

"Hi." He says confidently. His voice echoes in my head for a few seconds. I didn't respond mostly because I know he'd say he wanted to explain. Plus my conscience would send my thoughts wild...

"I like your painting." I see him smile from the corner of his eyes while dipping his paint brush in the water jar. The teacher assigned us to do an A3 painting of an observational study of any 4 objects that mean't something to us. But it had to cover the whole page.

My objects were the purple tulip Isac gave me, the bracelet my grandma gave me before she died, a microphone and the orange rose Josh gave me!

"Thank you." I replied this time, still not looking at him. I just dipped the paintbrush into the purple paint and carefully started getting on with my painting. I could see that Isac was staring and it was really off-putting.


I rushed straight to my room as soon as I got home. I need the comfort of my bed. Art class was so awkward and weird sitting next to Isac.

Why'd you go and do what you did Isac? I really wish you didn't...

My jean pocket buzzed and I looked at my phone to see Josh was calling me. I clicked accept and placed the phone by my ear.

"Hey Josh what's up?" I ask looking at the ceiling.

"I wanted to apologise for not being at school. I'm at the hospital right now." I froze and my heart stopped.

"Omg Josh. Are you okay? what happened?" I sat up on the end of my bed.

"Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry Bella."

"No Josh tell me what happened please and what hospital are you at I'm coming over." I slipped my shoes back on and ran down the stairs grabbing my coat.

"Well, I got jumped by these guys and one of them had a dog. They tried to steal my wallet but I refused and I think they were pretty pissed because the next thing I knew an angry looking German Shepard had pierced his teeth into my flesh..."

"Oh my god Josh that's terrible. I'm coming over now." I hung up, put on my jacket got dad to drive me to the Helsinki Royal Hospital.

I walked into Josh's room and his right leg was bandaged and placed in a slingy thing. (A/N: yeah I dunno what it's called) He saw me and grinned crookedly. I sat on the chair next to his bed.

"Josh I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"Bells please don't apologise. It's not your fault this happened." I could see that he was trying to stay strong by faking a smile. That fake smile will never replace his true smile.

"Who were they? Who did this to you?" I asked sternly and looked at him with hurt in my eyes. He looked away, he was hiding something. "Josh tell me."

"I can't..."

"Why not?" I yelled standing up with watery eyes.

"Because I just can't." He yelled back and then yelped in pain. His yelling caused strain on his leg and I looked down.

"I'm sorry. I'll leave now and come back later." I walked to the door and stopped by Josh's voice.

"Wait." He shouted and I turned around to look at him. I shoved my hands in my pocket looking him in the eyes.

"If you really want to know who it was then I'll tell you. But I have to tell you I only recognised one face the rest were people I'd never seen before." He looked down and started playing with his thumbs.

"It was..."


What did you think of this chapter? I'm sorry that it was so short and boring but a much better chapter is coming your way ;) I don't think you're ready for it...

Who do you think jumped Josh? And why do you think he didn't want to tell Annabella?

Oh and guys I know Isac gave Annabella the nickname Anna, but I wanted him to be the only one to call her that so it seemed more special. So that's why everyone else calls her Bella. I hope that's not too confusing for you!

As always thanks for reading! (Pretty sure you're sick of hearing me say that haha.)

~ Author

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