Chapter 45

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I took a step forward since my foot was aching and a sandbag fell where I was stood before. I screamed and took a few steps away away from it with my heart pounding out of my chest.
Isac ran over to me and threw his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into a hug.

Oops my finger slipped. Next time that wont be an accident -E

We rushed down the hallway and opened another door to see all of Isac's dancers dancing along with the teacher. Isac placed his bag down on the wooden floor next to a few chairs that were stacked up in the corner of the room; our fingers were still laced together.

"I'd like for you to step in for Alicia. She's broken her leg so she wont be able to dance for a few weeks and Isac has said you were a dancer. What do you say?" She flashed me a warm smile with pleading eyes.

"I used to be a dancer. My mum was a dance teacher but she passed away so I sto..."

"She used to dance with her mum all the time. Her mum was a dance teacher so she'd go to the studio to dance with her when she was working and not working." Isac started and i leaned my head on his shoulder.

"It was the only thing she was able to do with her mum. Since her mum was also the choreographer for Justin Timberlakes dancers she was on tour with him alot so she couldn't see her for a while. When she came back she started dancing with her again. But she passed away In a car accident not long after she got back..." Isac told Nora.

"Everytime I dance it reminds of my mum so I stopped and ive never danced up until now. Well ive danced to Isacs songs but thats just mostly jumping around." I laughed at how dorky I was.

The image of my mum was burned in my mind whilst I was dancing and I could feel the tears coming. I tried so hard to hold them back but in the middle of the dance I burst into tears and everyone stopped... Which made me feel really bad. Isac rushed to my side and placed his arm around my shoulder trying to comfort me.

I wish I never stopped dancing... It makes me feel like im being my true self.

This is who I am meant to be.

This is who I am.

I am a dancer!


"I'm so proud of you." Isac squeezed me tightly from the side. A huge smile erupted on my face! "You were so amazing I lost concentration a few times." His cheeks flushed up. Although this was only a rehearsal and my first rehearsal filling in for Alicia in the iCrew; Isac seems so excited. Imagine what he's going to be like when I finally perform with him for the first time.

"Okay I actually lost concentration like all the time when I saw you dancing." He smiled and jumped up and down like an excited two year old about to get ice cream!

"Okay calm down you rabbit." I laughed and grabbed his shirt pulling him closer to me.

"I can't calm down because you were amazing. Oh my god you blew my mind. You were..." I cut him off by crashing my lips on to his. He was acting like an excited fangirl, it was so cute, and a little strange at the same time.

"Maybe I need a little more to be quiet." He smirked at me and I crashed my lips onto his again. Our lips moved in sync with each other and I felt the corners of his lips curl as they formed a smile, I smiled back during the kiss. His arms were securely around my waist, whilst mine were rested on his chest, feeling his heartbeat pound faster than a lightning strike flashing in the sky!

"Come on." I spoke as we pulled away and then I tapped his chest before grabbing his hand. "We'll watch movies at mine until we fall asleep." He smiled wide and followed behind me, gripping my hand.

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