Chapter 23

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"Oh my gosh Isac you're back" I ran and jumped in his arms. He picked me up and spun me around.

"You're wearing my jacket." He winked and I giggled.

"I loved your video calls they were so sweet."

"Only the best for you." He leaned in to kiss me but stopped. "Oh hang on.." He looked back at the bus "DANU." He shouted.

He held up the mistletoe Danu gave him.

"Any chance I could get that late christmas kiss under the mistletoe?" I leaned in and our lips moved in perfect sync...

"This was my mother's box. Whenever I miss her I always look through this box. There's pictures of her and her favourite mix tape and even the diary she kept when she was pregnant with me." I took out a picture. "This is her and my dad when they first met."

The picture was mum and dad sat on a bench next to each other, blushing. You could see that they were trying so hard not to look into each others eyes.

I took out a steam punk necklace clock.

"She always used to wear this. She was a nurse at the Royal Helsinki Hospital and this was a present my dad got her. He broke his arm a few weeks after they met and she was his nurse. The day he had to have the cast off he got her that."

"Auntie Tanya" I ran up to her and hugged her. "You didn't tell me you were pregnant."

"Tanya, Dan this is Isac. Isac this is my Auntie Tanya and Uncle Dan."

I walked up the stairs looking for dad. But he was no where to be seen. I saw that the bathroom door was opened by a crack.

I slowly opened the door anxiously...



Isac's P.O.V

Anna just walked upstairs and as soon as I heard her scream I shot off up the stairs.

"Anna?" As I reached the top I ran over to Anna who was trembling and crying. She looked like she was about to go into shock. Then I saw why...

I pulled her into an embrace and rubbed her back as she sobbed into my chest.

"What's happened? What's wrong?" I heard Dan run up the stairs in a panic.

"I think you need to see for yourself." I gestured him to look in the bathroom, while I tried to calm Anna down. "Shhh princess... It's okay."

"Holy f... I'll go call an ambulance." He pulled out his phone and dialed 999.

"C'mon, c'mon.. Ah yes we need an ambulance as quick as possible... Uhhh..." He walked back over to the bathroom. "He's still breathing but his pulse is weak."

I kissed Anna's forehead. She was still crying.

"Isac can you take Anna downstairs to calm her down while I sort this out." Dan turned to me and then back to the phone.

I slowly walked towards the stairs and took hold of Anna's hands. Her head was bowed as she walked with me down the stairs. I led her into the living room and sat on the couch with her.

She gripped my shirt and burried her head in my neck, I pulled her closer and rubbed her back gently.

"Shhh... I know, I'm so sorry that you had to see your dad like that. He's going to be alright." I whispered softly, trying to comfort her.

"Y-you D-don't know th-that." She managed to get out between sobs.

Sirens were blasting out and echoing outside the house. The doorbell rung and Tanya opened the door quickly pointing the two doctors up stairs. They both rushed up the stairs in a hurry.

"W-why would he D-do that t-to hims-self?" Anna sobbed, tightening her grip on my shirt. I looked down at her resting my head on hers gently.

"I don't know princess."

The doctors rushed down the stairs carrying Anna's dad. His skin was whiter than paper and he was all floppy. He looked so inanimate. Soon after, Dan rushed down and over to us.

"Isac... I need you to look after Anna for us... We're going to the hospital with her dad." He said breathlessly and ran out to the ambulance with Tanya, leaving me and Anna alone.

Anna lifted up her head and I wiped away a falling year from her eyes; which were all red and puffy.

Everything was comepletely silent. The only sound heard was our own heartbeats pumping in rhythm. Boom boom... Boom boom.

I leaned in and gently kissed her forehead.

"Come on princess let's go to mine, it'll help to get your mind off things." I suggested and she nodded.

"Let me just get something quickly" She walked upstairs and I waited by the front door for her. She walked down stairs a few minutes later and forced a smile.

We walked out of the door and it was raining buckets. I took off my jacket and held it above our heads as we walked at a fast pace to mine.

We walked in and my jacket was soaked just from a few minute walk. I hung it up to dry and walked up stairs holding Anna's hand.

We lay on my bed. She rested her head on my shoulder while I had my arms wrapped around her, holding her. She played with the collar of my shirt, it was cute. She was rubbing her thumb around the outside of my collar and rubbing her index finger across the inside of my collar. Sometimes her finger made contact with my skin; leaving a tingling feeling lingering for a few seconds, which made my heart pound faster.

"How long do you think my dad will be in the hospital?" She asked, watching her run her fingers across my shirt collar.

"I'm not sure princess it depends on how ill he gets after." I looked down at her and smiled lovingly causing her cheeks to glow maghenta.

Then she wrapped her arm around my neck, burying her face in my neck again while I squeezed her gently and rubbed her back.

"Isac?" I felt her breath tickle my neck.


"My dad will survive right?" I looked away. I had no response to that, I really had no clue to whether he would or not. The state he was in was horrible and almost dead-like.

*flashback to earlier that day*

I ran up the stairs and found Anna trembling and shaking. Then I turned and saw why...

Her father was lay unconscious on the floor. His right hand was rested on his stomach and his left hand was above his head, on the floor.

He was as white as snow and there was no sign that he was breathing.

I looked closer and his eyes were wide open with no muscle movement. I hate to say this but he looked dead... I hope he wasn't for Anna's sake...

I wrapped my arms around Anna holding her close to me and glanced back at her dad.

In his left hand was a small cylinder bottle. The bottle was open and about 6 or 7 pills were scattered around the floor next to his head.

It was a frightening and traumatizing sight. Especially for 14-15 year olds.

*back to reality*

I looked down at Anna and heard quiet snores. Aww she'd fallen asleep.

"Good night beautiful." I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes drifting off.


What do you think of this chapter??

The next few chapters will all have previously at the top with a short summary of the last chapter. I thought since these chapters are gonna have a bucket load of drama and shocking, emotional, heart-melting moments all leading up to the end of the book.

I'm not sure how many chapters this book should have so there could be a lot more chapters on the way...

Tell me what you think and how many chapters you think I should have in the comments.

Also would you like a double update? Since it's the new year and 2015 :D

~ Author

To Be With You (Isac Elliot)Where stories live. Discover now