Chapter 39

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"What did Isac have to say about the photo?" Kelly asked me and I looked down at the ground.

"I didnt actually show him the picture." I shrugged and she just stared at me.

I leaned over the toilet and threw up...

"We didnt have sex last night did we?" I asked Isac and he had to think for a second.

"We didn't but I can change that." He whispered in my ear with a seductive, raspy voice. His hot breath against my flesh sent shivers down my spine. He pressed his lips on my neck for a few seconds before pulling away leaving a lingering kiss!
"Just joking." He reasured me.

"He loves you more than ANYTHING! And I mean ANYTHING! He loves you more than he loves music, so thats saying something!" I remembered Riley told me that.

Before I knew it I was tearing the picture up into pieces and placing them in the bin in my room.

I saw the photo of Isac kissing Callie's neck sat on my sheets... The pieces I had torn apart were stuck together again. I picked it up and turned it round seeing the date at the top and a note.

This is proof he doesn't love you.

I stared around and then heard loud cries coming from the baby.
I ran as fast as my legs eould down the stairs and leaned over the crib, the baby was gone.

"What? No no no no." I stared around panicing. The basement door clicked and I sprung my head around seeing it creak open slowly...

I flickered the torch on and pointed it towards the darkness, although I couldn't see anything or hear anything. I slowly made my way down the stairs keeping the light where I could see... I stared around and found a picture of my dad on the floor... I heard the cries of the baby again and saw him at the top of the basement steps...

"Hey Isac. What are you doing? You scared me to death." I started walking back up the steps before I heard a breathing sound... I pointed the torch around scanning the basement... But I saw nothing.

I picked up Isac and closed the basement behind me, putting the lock across at the top and bottom and locking the padlock...

"That's a lot of locks for a room..." Isac wandered up to me which made me jump out of my skin.

"Yeah well you don't want to know the history of this house." I warned him, placing the key to the padlock in the draw next to the bolted up door.

"What is this Jodie haunted or something?" Isac joked, walking beside me as I placed little Elliot in his crib, covering his body with a blanket and placing his favourite dummy in his mouth.

"Something like that." I shrugged and he just stared at me, before grabbing hold of my hands in his.

"Whatever the history of the house is, it's not going to stop me from doing this." He leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. It was slow but full of so many emotions... Isac intertwined our fingers together as he smiled into the kiss.

The door unlocked and we both pulled away, turning our heads towards the door. Dan entered along with a guy behind him...

"I found this guy hovering outside." Dan explained as the guy behind him stepped forward.

"Josh." I smiled and ran up to him hugging him tightly.

"Hey." He smiled, wrapping his arms around my back.

"What? How? Where were you?" I asked him before punching his arm.

"Ow. What was that for?" He held his arm.

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