Chapter 21

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I sat on the window-sill looking out. It was finally christmas day but I wasn't in the christmas spirit at all. I missed Isac way too much, it's already been a month amd i'm still a wreck.

I just feel so empty without him, I'm not whole... I'm just... meh.

"Come on honey. It's christmas. Cheer up and come and open your presents." Dad smiles and places a santa hat on my head but I continue looking out the window.

Frozen white flakes were floating down and joining the beautiful sheet of snow stuck to the ground!

"I just don't feel like it today." I took off the christmas hat and walked out of the room. Hearing my dad sigh before making my way upstairs droopily. (is droopily even a real word? XD)

I felt a little guilty, he's gone through so much trouble this christmas. I think because he's noticed I've been torn about Isac leaving for his tour.

I lay on my bed, put Isac's Follow Me album on and closed my eyes trying not to cry. I heard the door creak open and in came my grandma. (she and grandpa have came over for christmas) She sat on my bed and turned the music off.

"What's wrong sweetpea? You're usually so excited on christmas.Why are you acting like this?" I sat up and she moved my hair behind my ears, looking me in the eyes. My grandma was so pretty even with her wrinkles, she had stormy blue eyes and pale skin. Her grey hair once used to be a glorious blonde!

"I just miss him." I hugged my grandma and felt the tears coming. I tried so hard to keep them in but I just couldn't. I miss him way too much to handle. Everywhere I go I see his face and it's driving me crazy because I just want to look into his big beautiful brown eyes and feel the warmth of his body.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't craving him. Not in the sexual way, just in the way where I just want to be near him.

"Aww baby. Time will fly and he will be back soon, you wait. I'm sure he misses you as much as you do." I kept silent, just hugging her. "Now don't you think you should go and see your dad. He's done so much and gone to so much effert." I pulled away from her and wiped my eyes, nodding.

"Okay." I got up and walked down the stairs putting my christmas hat back on in the process. Grandma was right, Christmas is about being with family and being thankful for what we've got. After all, there are millions of people in poverty all over the world and a lot of people who probably won't have a Christmas this year. That makes me so depressed... I wish I could help every single one of them and make them smile.

"Dad, I'm sorry for the way I was. I just miss Isac." I walked up to him and hugged him. I really feel so sorry for my dad, he's raised me on his own. He's like superman. Raising a child alone for 8 years after your mum died must be so tough and dificult!

"It's okay honey. I understand, it's normal for people to miss their true love." Just then I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled away from dad and saw Isac's name on the screen. He was video calling me.
"Oh my god it's Isac." I squealed.

"Never seen her so happy in her life." My grandma sat on the couch. "The power of young love." I was smiling uncontrollably and felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I remember the last time Isac video called me was on my birthday.


It was the 18th December and Isac's name flashed on my phone screen. I rested it against a book on the table, clicked accept and saw a bunch of people crowded by a stage. It was Ellioteers. They were all holding up cute signs for Isac.

"Ready? Ready?" I heard Isac's voice and he turned the camera so he was half in the screen with his Ellioteers/the crowd behind him. I smiled and was about to speak but...

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