Is This Yours?

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Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Sam, Brenda, and the entire Glee club were at Brenda's house three days later. The only people who know about the pregnancy are Sam, Brenda, Santana, and Brittany. What they didn't know, was that Donna was coming down the stairs, all three pregnancy tests in her hand. She wasn't mad, just disappointed. Everyone got quiet when they saw the look on her face. She held up the pregnancy tests.

"Are these yours? Three, positive, pregnancy tests?" She asked, already knowing the answer. Everyone gasped. Brenda looked at her with tears in her eyes. Sam grabbed her hand, which she grasped tightly. He didn't look at anyone, he just avoided their stares, especially Chord's, and looked at the floor.

"I'm pregnant." She said, barely above a whisper, but everyone heard her. The girls gasped again. Donna motioned towards the kitchen and said her name. Brenda got up, reluctantly letting go of Sam's hand and followed her mom. Sam just put his head in his hands. He wasn't crying though. Donna and Brenda sat at the table. Brenda wouldn't look at her.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly.

"Look at me." After a few seconds, she looked up." I'm not mad. I'm disappointed, but not mad." Brenda nodded. She started crying and Donna hugged her. When she stopped, Donna asked,

"Do Sam's parents know?"

"I don't think he's told them yet."

"Okay. Go clean up, and I'll talk to him."

"Please don't yell at him. It's not just his fault."

"Brenda, I'm not going to yell at anyone okay? Now go to the bathroom." She nodded and did as she was told. Donna stood in the door way and called quietly,

"Sam?" He looked up at her, and stood up quickly, going into the kitchen. He didn't waste a second in trying to apologize.

"I'm sorry. I don;t know how it happened, well, I do, but it did and-"


"I've messed her life up, and you probably hate me for getting your daughter pregnant and-"

"Sam!" He stopped rambling and looked at her."Sit and calm down. I don't hate you."She sat across from him.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"First, I'm gonna tell you what I told Brenda. I'm not mad, but I'm disappointed. I'm finally getting a grandchild, granted I'm to young to be a grandma." Sam smiled slightly. Brenda came back, looking less upset, and sat beside Sam, who put an arm around her."Have you told your parents yet?"

"Not yet. I don't know how to tell them." He said," I'm going to son though."

"You need to. You can't hide it from them forever."

"I know." He said.

"Now, when did you find out?"

"Three days ago."

"Who else knew before today, besides you two."

"Santana and Brittany. They bought the tests for us."

"So no on else in the glee club knew until today?"

"No ma'am."Sam said.

"Well, you're screwed. Chord, Mercedes, Rachel, Kurt, Blaine and probably the rest of them are going to 'kill' you for not telling them sooner." They smiled slightly.

"How far along do you think you are?"

"We've only done it once, and that was after Nationals. Which was in May, so no more than a month."Brenda answered.

"I'll schedule an appointment with your Doctor. Hopefully tomorrow." Donna said." Now, go explain everything to them before they start a riot." She said, standing up. They stood with her. She hugged them both. "I don't hate neither one of you. I love you both, and I'll support your decision."

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