Gender Reveal Part 2

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Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

21.2 weeks

When Brenda woke up that morning, the baby wouldn't stop kicking. He/She had been kicking all night. She got up off the bed and kissed Sam on the forehead and went into the living room (The basement one) and sat on the couch. She rubbed her stomach and smiled.

"Are you excited baby? Mommy and daddy get to find out if you're a boy or a girl today, along with all you're aunts and uncles." She whispered, not knowing Sam was standing in the doorway watching her. He stood there for a few minutes and sat beside her, kissing her on the lips then he kissed her belly and felt the baby kick in the exact same spot. He smiled.

"Morning baby." He said to Brenda.

"Morning. You excited?" She asked. He nodded.

"When is everyone gonna be here?" He asked.

"What time is it now?"

"9 O'clock." He answered.

"Probably around 12:30 or 1 o'clock." She said. He nodded. She got a text from Mercedes and checked it."She told me that the cake will be ready by 12:30, and that she'll get it before she comes here." She told him. He nodded again. She scooted to the middle of the couch and let him move and sit behind her, and she leaned against him.

"You feeling alright?"He asked, putting his hands on her belly.

"Yeah, I'm just tired. This little boy or girl has been kicking me all night!" She said, fake annoyance. He chuckled.

"Why don't you try to take a nap before they get here?" He suggested.

"Will you sing something?" She asked, looking up at him. He nodded.

I promise that one day I'll be around

I'll keep you safe

I'll keep you sound

Right now it's pretty crazy

And I don't know how to stop or slow it down


I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay

Just let me hold you for a little longer now

Take a piece of my heart

And make it all your own

So when we are apart

You'll never be alone [2x]

You'll never be alone

When you miss me close your eyes

I may be far but never gone

When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars

And hey

I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay

Just let me hold you for a little longer now

And take a piece of my heart

And make it all your own

So when we are apart

You'll never be alone [6x]

And take a piece of my heart

And make it all your own

So when we are apart

You'll never be alone

Never be alone.

She was asleep by the end of the song, and he kissed her head, deciding to go back to sleep as well.


They woke up at 11:30 and started getting ready, by 1 o'clock, everyone was here and so was Mercedes with the cake. Plus, Chord had a bunch of pizza's with him, which caused Brenda to hug him tightly once he put them down.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"You got pizza, duh. I've been wanting some since like, 5 this morning." She said, sitting beside Sam, taking a bite out of her pizza. She offered him a bite and he took it, causing her to giggle.

"You're having cravings now? What kind?" Quinn asked.

"Um, most of the time I want either burgers, pizza, lasagna, or Nutella. And I hate Nutella. At least I did till I got pregnant."

"Yeah, she dips twizzlers in it, pickles, all kinds of stuff." Sam said, making a disgusted face.

"It can't be that bad dude." Puck said. Sam looked at him.

"He tried it the other day."

"She made me try it."

"Yeah, you don't mess with a pregnant girl. Anyway, he tried it and threw it and his breakfast up." Sam grimaced.

"I still doubt it's that bad."

"Do you want to try it?"Brenda asked, grinning. Puck nodded. She looked at Sam who grinned back at her and got up. He went in the kitchen and came back with a piece of a red twizzler and the jar of Nutella. He opened it and made sure there was a big globe of Nutella on the end of it and handed it to Puck. He eyed it for a second and put it in his mouth and chewed on it for a few seconds, then he gagged. He ran to the kitchen and spit it in the trash and rinsed his mouth out. Brenda was in the living room cackling when he came back. After everyone ate all the pizza, Chris and his fiance had arrived some time later, it was time to cut the cake. The only person who had seen it so far was Mercedes, and Brenda loved the writing on the top. It said 'Congratulations! It's a....'. Everyone gathered around the Island, where the cake was sitting, as Donna handed Sam a knife. Sam and Brenda looked at each other, smiling, and Sam kissed her quickly, then they both cut into it. You they brought the knife back up to cut the other side, and you couldn't tell what color it was yet. They cut the other side and lifted it up. The inside of the cake was....

"It's a girl!"

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