Auditions Part 2

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7 PM

"Well, I got some news today." Sam said as he came down into the basement.

"What?" Brenda asked. She was currently breast feeding Brooklyn and doing her school work at the same time.

"Well, you remember when I got in that fight?"

"How can I not?" He laughed.

"Well, I ran into Jason, the dude I fought, and I thought it was someone else, so I was like 'Oops, sorry.' I realized it was him and I said 'Oh' and then he looked at my phone and saw the picture of Brooklyn. Long story short, he apologized and he told me that he got his girlfriend pregnant."

"Are you serious?" She asked, shocked.

"I know, I was surprised. I asked him if he was effing with me but he looked worried as hell, basically like I have for most of the year." She nodded.

"Wow. How far along is she?"

"He said they don't know yet. She hasn't been to a doctor."

"Is he sure she's pregnant?"

"He said that he was with her when she took the tests, and that they were all positive."


"I know. I gave him my number and told him if he ever needs anything to just let me know."

"That's sweet, Sammy." She said and kissed his cheek. He smiled.

"Oh! Mr. Schue said that it's okay for you to bring Brooklyn with you to Glee practice. He has a little job for you on Friday."

"Awesome! I can't wait. And what's the job?" She asked, going to burp Brooklyn.

"Here, I'll burp her."

"Thanks." She gave him the towel and he took Brooklyn from her.

"I think he wants you to be a judge for the auditions on Friday."

"Auditions for what, exactly?"

"The solo for Nationals." He said.

"Oh, cool. Yeah, I'll do it." She grinned at him. Brooklyn burped loudly and then made an insanely adorable noise, causing the two to laugh.

"Sam!" Donna called.

"Ma'am?" He called back.

"Your parents and brother and sister are here!" Sam looked at Brenda, who laughed and closed her lap top. Sam carried Brooklyn upstairs with him and Brenda followed closely behind. Sam leaned down, holding Brooklyn securely with one arm, and hugged his brother and sister. He smiled at his parents and looked at Brooklyn, who was squirming and red faced. He held her up and sniffed. he made a face.

"Poopy baby. I'm gonna go change her." He said and went back down the stairs and they heard him talking to her as he went."You love to poop, don't you? Especially when it's my turn to change you..." It faded as he reached the basement and they could no longer hear him. Brenda snorted loudly and waved at Dwight and Mary, then hugged the twins.

"I'm gonna go fix me something to eat." She said." Cause this mama's hungry." She added and they laughed.

"We can order in if you want, and we'd be happy to pay." Mary said, Dwight nodding in agreement. Brenda poked her head back in.

"From where?" She asked, an eyebrow raised.

"You're favorite restaurant." Dwight said, grinning.

"Jumpin' Jays?" She asked and they nodded. She grinned widely."Y'all are awesome. I'm still gonna get something outta here though, I'm hungry as hell." They laughed and nodded.

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