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On the way home from the doctor, Brenda texted everyone and told them to go to her house, since they'd all been wanting details from the doctors visit. Everyone was there when they got home, and they were dreading it, because they'd barely slept that night from nervousness and everyone would be talking at the same time. And they were correct about everyone asking questions though.

"You have to be quiet so that we can tell you everything!" Sam said, plopping down on the couch and burying his face in a pillow. Brenda sat on him, but he still wrapped his arms around her.

"He'll probably fall asleep while I tell y'all everything." He grunted and everyone laughed.

"No, actually. I'm going to try and stay awake so I can sleep tonight."Brenda turned her head and kissed him on the cheek.

"Well, I'm three weeks and three days pregnant, my blood pressure is good, they just asked a bunch of questions like if I had morning sickness, made me pee in a cup, all that good stuff. Linda asked us how are parents took it and...yeah. Anyway, before I tell you the due date, you have to guess." Brenda said and everyone started shouting out answers. Brittany even asked if the due date was on June 13th next year, and Santana and Quinn had to explain to her that a woman is only pregnant with a baby for nine months, not a whole year.

"The actual due date is in February."Brenda started.

"And it's on my birthday." Sam finished and the girls started awing at how cute it would be for the baby to be born on his birthday.

"Plus, she said that since I'm skinny and short, shut up Sam,"She smacked his leg because he was laughing into her shoulder."I would probably start showing a lot sooner than most women. And that we shouldn't be surprised if I'm showing by two and a half months or three months." A little while later, Puck and Finn had everyone laughing and even though everyone else had pretty much stopped laughing, Sam still was. Brenda was now sitting on the couch beside him. Everyone was just looking at him. He hid his face in his hands, still laughing, but after about a minute, they realized he wasn't laughing anymore, but crying, actual crying. Not just crying from laughing so hard. He stood up, apologizing, and went up stairs, everyone watching after him.

"What's wrong with him?" Puck asked.

"Y'all know how people react differently to being pregnant, or their girlfriends, wives, whatever being pregnant, right?"Everyone nodded."I think it's just his reaction. I've already cried enough for probably everyone in this room, and now it's his turn. I think he was laughing so much to try and keep himself from crying. What went down with his parents is probably something else that triggered it."Brenda said."I'm gonna go check on him." She went upstairs while everyone stayed downstairs, talking.

"If he's crying about getting kicked out, why aren't you?" Brittany asked Chord.

"Britt, that's different. He's been with them for 17 years before I even met them. And I didn't get kicked out, I choose to leave." He answered. Meanwhile, Brenda was upstairs with Sam, trying to calm him down. Deciding that since they were both tired, she sent a text to Chord to tell everyone that they could stay and swim, but they were gonna take a nap. Sam couldn't figure out why tears just kept coming. He couldn't stop them. They got under the covers of her bed, and Brenda wrapped her arms around him. Eventually, he stopped crying and fell asleep. She fell asleep too.

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