He'll Be Okay

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At the hospital

No one was allowed to ride in the ambulance with Sam, but everyone met at the hospital, in a private waiting room. Brenda couldn't stop crying from where she had her face buried in Chord's chest, as he tried to calm her down, even though he was crying just as much. No one else got shot except for some girl whereas a bullet only grazed her arm. All of the glee clubbers parents came to the hospital, except for Sam and Chord's. Brenda almost passed out when the doctor said that they had to do surgery on him to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding. Almost everyone except the new kids, including Ryder, Unique, Kitty, Jake, and Marley, stayed. No one told them anything until a nurse came out and informed them,

"They stopped the bleeding, and they're stitching him back up. Unfortunately, he lost a lot of blood, so he'll be hooked to an IV that's giving him blood. I'll have another nurse come let you know when you can go see him. It'll be 30 minutes to an hour." Everyone sighed in relief and Brenda sunk down on the couch she and Chord were sitting on and wiped her eyes. He wrapped an arm around her, doing the same; wiping his yes. When something about the shooting came on, Puck grabbed the remote and turned the volume up.

Breaking News: More information on how the shooter was taken down at McKinley High School. After everyone was safely out of the building, and the shooter was in custody, two teens who had been in the bathroom with Brenda Ivey, were interviewed. They talked about Samuel Evans, the boy who not oly got them and his pregnant girlfriend to safety, but got shot twice in the process of taking the shooter down. Here is the interview.

"What happened in there?" A reporter asked.

"We were hiding in the bathroom stalls and Sam came in. He nearly started crying when he saw that she was okay." The boy said.

"Then he started leading us towards the choir room. The shooter saw us and we started running. He pushed us into a room that wasn't locked, and shut the door. But he didn't stay with us. He ran off down the hall. I'm pretty sure he didn't care whether or not he got hurt, as long as her and their baby was okay." The girl continued.

"He saved pretty much everyone in this schools lives. He's a hero." The boy finished.

There's part of it. Now we have the clip from the camera in the hallway where it happened." It showed the shooter hitting Sam with the gun, then them wrestling until the gun went off and Sam knocked him out.

The screen went black after that, mostly because Brenda asked them to turn it off. She ended up falling asleep until the nurse came out. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, then she realized who the nurse was. It was Renee. Renee hugged her and whispered,

"I'm sorry about Sam sweetie. Brenda thanked her. Then she told everyone, "They're setting him up in a room now, and he had to be sedated because when he woke up, he started freaking out. They're gonna keep him in ICU for tonight and most of tomorrow to see how he does. We're gonna wake him up when you all go back there. The only reason I'm letting all of you go back there is because he is in a private room, whereas I'm his nurse tonight and tomorrow, and because I trust that all of you are responsible enough to be quiet back there. He'll be in a lot of pain and he'll probably cry at some point, but all together, he'll be fine in a few weeks. I'll be back in about ten minutes to take you back." She said, about to walk off, but Brenda stopped her.

"I thought you were just a nurse for pregnancy or what ever." She said.

"I usually am, but I work here sometimes too." Brenda nodded and went back to the group.

"Who was that?" Quinn asked.

"Renee, she does the ultrasound every time we have an appointment." She answered." I'll be right back, I have to pee." She made her way to the bathroom. She did her business and washed her hands, then she washed her face, which helped a little bit with her tiredness. She looked at herself in the mirror, hands on her belly. The baby started kicking and she smiled.

"Did you hear that baby girl? Daddy's gonna be okay."

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