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Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

21.2 weeks

When everyone left, Sam and Brenda left to go to the costume store, since they still needed to get costumes for the Halloween on Friday, which is going to be at their house. Every year, if Halloween is on a school day, Principal Figgins lets everyone stay home, since he for some reason thinks that actual monsters and ghosts are real and thinks they're going to come after him. Everyone also thinks that Sue Sylvester has something to do with it. Sam decided to be a pirate, why, no one really knows. It took a while for Brenda to find one she liked, and she was starting to get annoyed until she found a pink fairy costume with golden flats. She tried it on and showed Sam when they got home.

"You look beautiful." He said, putting his hands on her hips. She rolled her eyes but smiled at him.

"Thanks." She said anyway. Later that day, she posted the picture she took right after they cut the cake on Facebook so that her family members her supported her and Sam, and her friends back home, would know that it's a girl.


Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

21.3 weeks

5 PM

Everyone was at the house in a lot of different, very weird costumes. Brittany was a unicorn, Santana was the 'Sexy Devil', Rachel was dressed up as a cat, Finn was a cowboy, Chord was a pirate too, Mercedes was a girl pirate, with a long stripped skirt, Puck was a zombie, so was Quinn, so on and so on. Everyone loved Brenda's costume, because every time Puck started to get on someone's nerves, she'd smack him with the wings. Every few minutes, kids younger than 5 would come with their parents Trick-or-Treating. There was a huge bowl of candy by the door, filled to the top still. Brenda would sneak off and get a few pieces, then go back to the living room. Eventually, Kelly brought Kelsey, her bag only with a few pieces of candy in it. And, Kelsey had a friend with her. They stood out on the porch with the candy bowl on a table, talking, as a few kids came up to them. Sam would give them candy and talk like a pirate which would make them laugh. Sam squatted down in front of Kelsey and held his arms out, whereas she ran and hugged him. He looked at her and asked,

"Whose your friend?"

"She's Anna."

"Hi Anna! It's nice to meet you!" He said, smiling at her. She giggled shyly and waved."So, who are you two supposed to be?"

"I'm Bell!"

"I'm Cinderella." Anna said.

"Oh, two beautiful little princesses huh?" They giggled. He stood back up and put an arm around Brenda.

"I love your costumes!" Kelly was saying.

"Thanks! I couldn't find anything that fit until I saw this. I tried it on when we got home and Sam was just like 'You look beautiful.'." Brenda answered. Sam rolled his eyes.

"Well you were then, you are now, you were before we started dating, you're always beautiful. With or without makeup." She blushed.

"I agree, you're one of those women who are beautiful while pregnant. I mean, when I was pregnant with Kelsey, I was disgusting. I had acne like you wouldn't believe, and stretch marks all up my stomach, back, even my boobs."

"Thanks, and I'm just happy I don't have stretch marks, yet anyway, I'm not as big as I'm going to get. Because if this baby is anything like her daddy, she's gonna be a big baby." Brenda said. Sam grinned proudly. Kelly laughed. Before the three left, Sam gave both girls enough candy to fill half of their pretty big bags. They waved at them until they were out of sight and went back inside. They listened to music, danced, gave out candy, talked, and watched scary movies mainly. While there were kids still trick or treating, Sam and Chord went outside and started fighting with their plastic swords, entertaining all of the kids who were watching. Brenda had changed out of her fairy costume into a pair of Sam's sweat pants that hung low on her waist, under her belly, and a T-shirt. Sam and everyone else ended up changing into the clothes they brought, which was just sweats and T- shirts. Brenda was curled into Sam's side, hiding her face and squealing like the other girls who got scared during the movies. Eventually, she got up and went down to the basement. Sam noticed tears in her eyes, so he got up and followed her down there. She was in their room, sitting criss cross against the headboard. Sam sat across from her, and she looked up at him.

"You alright? Is it the baby?" He asked nervously. She smiled slightly. Then she frowned.

"I'm just scared." She answered softly.

"Of what? The movie? It wasn't that bad."

"Okay for one, that movie is freaky as hell, and two, I'm just... scared about the baby. I mean, how are we going to do this? We're still in high school. It's all just happening so fast."She said, looking down at her belly.

"Baby, look at me."She looked at him, tears in her eyes."I know it's going by so fast, I'm scared too. I'd even started to think that I'd be a bad father. But I know for a fact that you'll be an amazing mother. You know that I'll be with you the whole way. Like I've said so many times before, we're in this together."

"Sam... you'll be an amazing dad. She's going to be a daddy's girl, trust me. You're so great with kids, and that's what I love about you. I'm scared of the pain, that's all. I love her already, and I'm just happy I'm carrying your baby." He had tears in his eyes when she finished.

"I love that you're carrying my baby too, you two are my most important priority, I promise to do anything to protect you." She smiled at him.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too. And don't forget that." He kissed her then.

Neither one of them knew that he would fulfill his promise in just a few days.

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