First Day Back

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

10 PM

"I'm gonna miss you tomorrow." Brenda said, hugging Sam's arm as he put all of his school work in his book bag.

"I know, I'm gonna miss you two. Especially this lil cutie." He said, picking Brooklyn up. She just cooed and he laughed. The two were both extremely tired. She's a good baby, but she loved to scream her head off. "At least I don't have to work right after school, for now anyway." She nodded

"Good point." Brenda fed Brooklyn and changed her diaper as Sam got ready for bed. Brenda put her in her crib and turned on the baby monitor and brought the other one with her. She sat on the bed, under the covers. Sam came out of the bathroom in only boxers, which made her laugh. He went into the nursery and kissed Brooklyn's forehead, then went and laid down with Brenda.

"I'll get up with her tonight so you can sleep, alright?" She asked. He started to disagree, but she shushed him. "Sam, you have to go to school tomorrow, and I don't want you to be dead tired like you were before she was born. I'll be alright, okay? And I'll see if mama can watch Brooklyn in the morning while I sleep or something, alright?" He sighed and nodded. He kissed her on the lips and then turned the lamp off. She cuddled up to him and he wrapped one of his arms around her and they both fell asleep.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Sam woke up at 6:30 AM due to Brooklyn crying. He and Brenda both sat up.


"It's fine, Brenda. I need to get up anyway." He said."Just go back to sleep, alright?" She nodded sleepily but said,

"There's a bottle in the fridge, put it under warm water for a few minutes before you give it to her." He nodded, grinning. He already knew that. He went and picked Brooklyn up out of her crib.

"Hey baby girl." He bounced her a bit and checked her diaper, which was still dry, so he knew she was hungry. He went upstairs and got the bottle. Once it was warm enough for her, he went back downstairs to the nursery and sat in the rocking chair to feed her. He hummed as he fed her, rocking back and forth slowly. He loved the sounds she made and how she sleepily opened her eyes to look up at him. He burped her and held her for a few minutes then put her back in her crib. As he went to the bathroom, he saw Brenda laying down, on her phone. He chuckled and shook his head at her. He took a shower, brushed his teeth and put his clothes on. He left the bathroom to see Brenda holding Brooklyn, who was still asleep. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"What? I just wanted to cuddle with her!" He laughed and kissed her cheek. He went up stairs and she followed him. They were the only ones up, other than Chord who was half asleep, eating milkless cereal.

"Dude, do you want some milk with that?" Sam asked as Brenda sat in front of Chord. Chord looked down and then at Sam and snorted. He nodded and Sam poured it for him and then made himself a bowl of cereal."You want anything?" He asked Brenda. She shook her head.

"Nah, I'll get something in a little while." She said, rocking her arms a bit. He nodded and put the milk and cereal up.

"Did Brooklyn wake you up or something bro?" Sam asked, sitting beside Brenda. Chord shook his head.

"Me and Cedes stayed up talking last night. Didn't go to bed until like, three this morning." Sam rolled his eyes. It was quiet, other than the sounds Brooklyn made and Brenda humming.

"You ready to go back to school?" Chord asked. Sam looked at him like he was stupid.

"Are you ready to go back? And you've actually been going."

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