Baby Talk & Going Home

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Later that day, Brenda made Chord take Sam home so that he could take a shower, eat, and get a change of clothes. She had to beg him to go home, and that she'd still be there when he got back. When she said that, he looked at her and said,

"Very funny. Fine, I'll go. I love you."

"I love you too. Now go, you stink." She said. It was hot in the waiting room and he'd been sweating up a storm. He laughed and kissed her, then followed Chord out the door. While they were gone, everyone visited with her. Everyone was gone when Sam got back, Chris had to work, Brenda apparently made Donna leave, and Chord decided that he'd go back home and stay with Donna so she wouldn't be alone. Brenda was asleep when he walked in, so he quietly made his way over to her bed and pulled up a chair, close to her belly. He put a hand on her belly, feeling the baby kick his hand.

"Hey, baby girl,"He whispered so he wouldn't wake Brenda up."It's daddy. You might not know this, but I love you. I love you and your mommy so much. More than even she knows. Your mama loves you too, but she's under a lot of pressure and stress, doing an amazing job growing you, so be careful with her." He smiled and wiped a few tears off his face,"I'm going to try to be the best daddy I can be, and I'll spoil you and be overprotective, but I love you, despite the fact that you're not here yet. Mommy and I can't wait to meet you, but try to stay where you are for a few more weeks so that you'll be a healthy little baby." He stopped talking and put his hand in Brenda's, and laid his head on the bed, falling asleep.


Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

33.3 weeks

The next day, Sam woke up with a crick in his neck, and his back hurt when he sat up. Brenda was awake, and she was running her hands through his hair. He stood up and stretched, his back cracking. He leaned down and kissed her lightly. He sat back down, pulling the chair up closer to her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Great! A lot better than yesterday. I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I didn't know that all of this would happen."

"It's alright, you couldn't help it. I blame all the stress on the teachers and school." She nodded in agreement. A few minutes later, after Sam had gone to the bathroom and come back, Renee came in.

"Well, it looks like you're feeling better!" She said happily, going over to Brenda's right arm, where she began taking the IV out.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking this out."

"I know that, Renee, why?"

"Because your going home in about an hour, duh. Your other nurse didn't tell you before she left?"

"No, I haven't seen her in the past two hours." Brenda answered.

"That's how long you were up? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because I knew you were tired, and you looked like you were sleeping good, even though I don't know how the hell you did." She answered. He shook his head and smiled.

"I freaking told my boss that he needed to fire that woman. She wouldn't care if one of her patients died just because she wasn't doing her job."Renee mumbled."Anyway, just have someone come up here and bring you some extra clothes-" Sam interrupted her.

"I got her some when I went home last night." He said.

"Oh, your a good boyfriend!"

"Well, I'd hope so." He chuckled.

"Well, you can just sign the papers and get ready to leave, but let me know before you do, I have to tell you a few things." She handed the papers to Brenda, and walked out. She quickly signed the discharge papers and, with the help of Sam, changed out of the hospital gown into regular clothes. Renee came back in just as they were about to go find her.

"Alright, sit back on the bed for a minute." She said. They sat back down and looked at her. "First off, I better not have to see you two again unless we run into each other at the store or at your next appointment, no one can get sick, pass out, hurt, nothing, do you understand?" She said half jokingly, half seriously. They laughed and nodded." And two, I don't want to tell you this, Brenda, but Dr. Linda has put you on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy. Meaning, you can only get up to got to the bathroom, and you can't drive at all. And, no more school until a few months after the baby is born."She said.

"No!" Brenda whined, pouting.

"It's not my fault, just worry about you and your baby okay? You two can leave now, here," She wrote down a phone number and handed it to Brenda."If you have any problems, or questions, text me or call me. I'll always answer." She said. They nodded. On the way home, Brenda was going on and on about how bored she was going to be and that she would miss Sam a lot because he had to go to school and work all the time.

"Look, baby, I know this is gonna piss you off, but I really don't care. I'll miss you too, a lot. But as far as I'm concerned, and around, your not doing anything but lay down or sit until after she is born. I'm just worried about you and the baby, so just take it easy okay?" She nodded silently, looking away from him. He sighed, knowing she was either mad at him or crying. And judging by the sniffles coming from her, she was crying. He parked in the driveway at the house and got out, going over to her side of the door and opening. She still wouldn't look at him. He wrapped his arms around her, not letting her go, even though she tried to push him off a few times. Finally, she hugged him back, burying her face in his chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." He said softly. She shook her head.

"That's not why I'm crying." She whispered.

"What's wrong then?"

"I'm just scared. Scared that I'll accidentally do something to hurt her or myself or-I don't know! I'm scared that I'll be a bad mom." His heart broke after hearing her say that. He hugged her tighter.

"You're not going to be a bad mother, Brenda. You're great with kids, especially little babies. And I'm scared too. I mean, I'm scared that I'll be a bad father, considering my parents kicked me out and don't have anything to do with me any more."

"You're gonna be an amazing daddy, Sam. I watched you with Dana and Jack at Thanksgiving. They love you." He shrugged.

"Seeing them just made me even more excited to meet our little girl." He said. Brenda smiled and hugged him again.

"Um, can we go in now? It's cold as hell out here."

"Yeah, but Brenda?"


"Hell isn't cold. It's practically made out of fire." She looked at him.

"Smart ass."

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