Baby Bumps and Birthday Presents

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Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

During Glee Club

13.3 weeks

"Mr. Schue!" Sam called as he and Brenda walked into the choir room.

"Yeah Sam?" He called back, turning around to face him. Everyone watched them.

"Brenda and I are gonna have to skip glee club today. We have a doctor appointment at 4 o'clock." He said. Mr. Schue nodded. They waved to everyone and left. They had to wait for about 15 minutes before they were called back.

"Two more pounds since your last visit." Renee said, writing it down on her clip board. They followed her into the ultrasound room and shut the door. She took Brenda's blood pressure, which was great, and then they listened to the baby's heart beat and saw the baby on the screen. She printed out pictures for them and said,

"One more week and you'll be in the second trimester! And, you should be showing soon." She told them as the left. They smiled and left. While they were in the car on the way home, Brenda said,

"I don't think I'll go one ultrasound without crying."

"I agree." Sam said, looking at her. She giggled.


Saturday, September 8th, 2012

14.6 weeks

Monday morning, Brenda woke up to Sam staring at her, smiling. She smiled at him and he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Happy birthday baby."

"Thanks, Sammy."She said, and kissed him on the lips. He held his hand up, a small ring on his pinky finger. She gasped and looked at him. He smiled and put it on her right ring finger.

"It has my and your birth stones in it, and when the baby is born, in January or February, I'll have his or hers added." She had tears in her eyes as she smiled again and kissed him... again.

"Thank you, I love it."She told him. They got up and started getting ready. Sam took a shower first while Brenda finished up some of her homework that she didn't do last night. Then she took a shower, but didn't wash her hair since she did the night before. She put her usual makeup on, a shirt that was pretty tight on her, and pants that didn't want to button.

"Sam!" She whined.

"Yeah babe?" He asked, coming to the door of the bathroom.

"Can you go get my black yoga pants for me? These don't fit." She asked. He nodded and came back with them. She put them on and looked in the mirror. She went to turn, but froze and stood side ways, looking at her self in the mirror. She had a small, but noticeable bump starting to form. She called Sam's name again. He came back and asked,

"Hm?" She turned so that he could see, and pointed at her stomach. He grinned and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her, laying one of his hands on her belly. He kissed her cheek."I love you, and our baby." She turned around and put her arms around his neck.

"And we love you!"

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