Injured Wrists & Coffee

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Twenty minutes later, Brenda was set up in a hospital room, which was huge. She was hooked up to an IV that helped with the pain, and a few monitors. All she had on was the hospital gown, which she hated, but dealt with. Sam was in a chair next to her, trying to keep himself awake. He was excited, but dead tired too. He could barely keep his eyes open when Renee came in.

"Hi guys! You have a bunch of visitors, do you want to see them?" She asked. They both nodded. A few seconds later, everyone walked into the room, the girls immediately surrounding Brenda's bed, asking her questions.

"Um, Mercedes? Your ass is like, right in my face." Sam said. She turned to look at him.

"Deal with it."

"Um, no thank you. I'd rather look at my girlfriends ass." He mumbled and stood up. He told Chord to sit and look at her butt instead. Chord laughed, but sat down. He didn't stare at her butt though. Sam leaned against the wall, and let his head fall back, resting on the wall. He crossed his arms and made sure Brenda wasn't in to much pain. A few minutes later, once everyone quieted down a bit, Renee came back in the room

"I just wanted to make sure that mom and dad were fine-"She stopped and looked at Sam. She put her hands on her hips."Why are you standing? You should be asleep right now."She said it all motherly.

"I kind of can't. No where to sit." He mumbled.

"How many hours of sleep did you get tonight?" She asked, hands still on her hips. Everyone was watching them.

"Like, four." He mumbled and yawned.

"Did you have to work today?"

"All weekend."

"Okay well, I'm going to write you a note, telling them that they're making you work to much, and that you're going to be home with your girlfriend and baby for a few weeks, maybe months. Now, get in that dang bed with her and go to sleep."She said it so seriously that he would have laughed if he wasn't so tired."You're allowed to lay in the bed with her. I mean, you can't do anything else. She's already pregnant." Everyone laughed at that. Sam paid no attention to anyone. He just kicked off his shoes and got in the bed with Brenda. He wrapped his arms around her and she put her head on his chest. He fell asleep less than five minutes later. "Oh, and tell him I said happy birthday too." She said. Before she left, she said," You too Chord." He snorted and thanked her.

"He's gonna be sore when he wakes up, laying like that." Donna said.

"He probably doesn't even know how he's laying. He's conked out."Brenda responded, using one of her hands to play with his fingers, which were resting on her stomach."I'm just happy he's sleeping."

"Yeah." Everyone agreed.

"Just so you know, I'm going to take that note up there my self, and tell them that they'd better pay him too, and that it's going to be more than just a few weeks. It's going to be for the rest of the school year." Santana said matter of factly, as if no one could change her mind. No one really could. Not even Brittany.

"Why don't you guys go home? Come back later today when we're both awake, and we're closer to having the baby?" Everyone nodded, giving her hugs and kisses.

"Do you mind if I stay here with you guys tonight?" Chord asked, almost childishly, once everyone except he and Mercedes left.

"I don't know why you'd want to stay in a hospital room, but if you want to stay you can." Brenda answered. A few minutes later, Mercedes left and Chord sat in the chair next to her bed.

"Why don't you go to sleep too?" She asked.

"I probably should, huh?" He asked and she laughed."I will in a few minutes. You're the one who needs to go to sleep. You're gonna give birth to a baby soon. You definitely need your rest."He said. She smiled.

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