Fight & Getting Drunk

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Sunday, October 7th, 2012

19 weeks

Brenda had been laying down all day, only getting up to pee or get something to eat. She'd snap at Sam every time he'd ask her if she was okay. After the 10th time, while they were lying in bed that night, he asked her again,

"What's wrong baby?" She groaned and turned to look at him with tears in her eyes.

"My back hurts, my feet hurt, and I'm getting fat!" She exclaimed, starting to cry. He wrapped his arms around her.

"You're not getting fat, Brenda. You're pregnant, and it's pretty much all baby."He said. She shook her head. She stopped crying and he asked," Do you want me to give you a back rub?" She nodded and lied down on her side. He rubbed the heel of his hands up and down her back and she moaned.

"That feels good." She mumbled. He smiled." I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you today." She said. He stopped rubbing her back and she turned to look at him.

"You're not being a bitch, baby. You haven't been feeling good and I understand that. And you know how I get cranky when I feel bad." He told her. She giggled and nodded. He kissed her quickly and rubbed her back again until she fell asleep.


Monday, October 8th, 2012

17.1 weeks

Everyone was in the choir room, practicing. They'd been in there for an hour, and Rachel was steady complaining about how everyone was dancing badly and that Finn was at home sick. Sam had gone to the bathroom, and Brenda was already irritated enough and was about to blow up on everyone. She did, just as Sam came back into the room.

"Rachel, I have had enough of your shit. You act like you have problems? I'm pregnant with a baby that I don't even want!" Everyone stopped talking and froze. They were looking behind them at Sam, who had stopped, and his eyes were wide, and he looked shocked. Slowly, that changed to upset, to pissed off.

"Sam I-"

"No. Don't even try. If you didn't want the baby, why didn't you tell me? I'd have let you do whatever the hell you wanted to do. But no, you just keep it to yourself. Apparently, I have no say in this." He turned around and walked out.

"Sam!" Brenda called, but he didn't stop or even turn around. She turned to face everyone else."Rachel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm just irritated and hurting and now Sam hates me for something I didn't even mean." She sat down and started crying. Rachel hugged her.

"It's okay. I know you're not feeling well."

"I'm so stupid though! I do want this baby, and he doesn't know! He hates me!"

"Brenda, there is no way in hell that that boy could hate you." Mercedes said.

"Yeah, just give him a while to cool off, and try to talk to him. You know how he is, he'll listen, no matter what happened or how mad he is." Chord said, wrapping an arm around her.

"I shouldn't have said it though!"She exclaimed, putting her face in her hands.

"Um, guys?" Everyone looked at Mr. Schue."Practice is over for today. You can all go home." Everyone got their belongings and left. Brenda, of course, rode with Mercedes and Chord. The others were going to meet them at Brenda's house. Sam's truck was in the driveway. They went in the house, and Sam was sitting on the couch, ankles crossed, listening to music. He ignored everyone. Brenda didn't try to talk to him, she just went to the basement, to their room, noticing that most of his stuff was gone, probably in one of the guest rooms now. She laid on the bed and hid her face, crying into her pillow.

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