3D Ultrasound

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Thursday, December 20th, 2012

28.4 weeks

After school, Sam and Brenda went ahead to the hospital to have the 3D ultrasound done. They told everyone before they left that they would call or text them to come to the house and watch the video. When they got there, they waited ten minutes and were called back. Renee weighed Brenda then took her to the ultrasound room. She measured her, and said,

"You're measuring 29 centimeters, which is good." Brenda smiled.

"How much have I gained since the first appointment?" She asked. Renee looked at her computer, clicked a few things, and answered,

"About 15 pounds." She answered. Brenda nodded. While she got the ultrasound ready, she asked Sam,"How's your leg? It hasn't opened up again or anything has it?"

"No, thankfully. It's pretty much healed, but it gets sore sometimes, but that's all." He answered, holding Brenda's hand in his. She ran her thumb across his knuckles and he looked at her, where she was crossing her eyes and sticking her tongue out. He laughed.

"I have a feeling that she will be the happiest baby ever when she's born, having two funny parents like you two." Renee said.

"She'll probably have a permanent smile or smile lines by the time she's ten." Brenda said.

"Whoa, don't think that far ahead. She's not even born yet." Sam mumbled. Brenda laughed and patted his head. Renee put the blank CD in and turned off the lights. She squirted the gel on Brenda's stomach and she shivered, Sam laughing quietly to him self. They listened to the heart beat first, whereas Brenda asked,

"Will that be on the CD?" Renee nodded. Then, they saw the 3D figure of their daughter. When they saw her face, they both started crying, and said at the same time when they saw her lips,

"Lips!" Then looked at each other. Sam stood up from his chair and kissed her on the lips, then sat back down.

"Daddy's lips." Renee said, smiling at Sam. After a few minutes, she turned it off and gave Brenda a few paper towels to wipe the gel off. She turned the lights back on and took the CD out, handing it to Brenda. She sat up all the way with the help of Sam.

"Okay, I'll see you next month, if anything doesn't happen. If you feel any tightening in your abdomen, or feel like they're contractions, most likely means they're Braxton Hicks, so I wouldn't worry to much about them. But if they become to painful or don't stop, call me and I'll tell you what to do." They nodded and left, knowing that they'd be watching the ultrasound for hours.

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