School Shooting

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Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

22.3 weeks

This week started off normally. Mr. Schue gave them an assignment, a few people sang, then on Tuesday, a girl named Elizabeth Manuel and her boyfriend, Jesus Cobos auditioned for the club and got in. Wednesday is when it all went down hill.

"Sam, I have to go to the bathroom, like really bad. I'll be back in a few minutes." Brenda said, kissing him and giving him her jacket, and nearly ran out of the room while he chuckled behind her. He put her jacket on the chair next to his and sat down, waiting on everyone to come in. Once everyone was in, except Brenda, Mr. Schue and Coach Beiste walked in, about to say something, when there was a loud bang, that sounded like a gun shot rang out. Turns out, it was a gun shot. People in the hallways started screaming as there was another gun shot, and Mr. Schue turned off the lights as Coach started shutting the doors and locking them. Everyone hid and the girls started crying. Foot steps could be heard running down the hall, and someone tried to open the doors but couldn't, so they ran away again. When no movement could be heard out side, Mr. Schue stood up.

"Guys, start texting, Tweeting, all of that, but don't tell them where we are. Shooters have Iphone's too." He said. Then Sam realized something. Quietly, he started crawling across the room, towards the door.

"Sam! Sam, what are you doing?" Coach whispered harshly. He stood up.

"Brenda had to go to the bathroom, she doesn't have her phone. I have to go get her." He said, trying to push past them.

"No, it's too dangerous. You could get hurt-"

"I don't care!" He yelled, making everyone look at him with wide eyes." I don't care if I get hurt, as long as Brenda and my baby are safe, I don't care!" He repeated.

"Lower your voice-" Sam looked at Mr. Schue, towering over him.

"Again, I don't care. Let me go, because I don't want to hurt you."He nearly growled. Coach and Mr. Schue let him go. He opened the door and closed it as quietly as possible. His heart racing, he silently made his way to the girls bathroom, opening the door. Once it closed, he whispered,

"Brenda?" He heard a quiet sob and her and two others came out of three different stalls. He was so close to crying as he pulled her into him, both of them hugging each other tightly. They stood like that for a few seconds and he let her go."Are you okay, are you hurt?"

"I'm okay. Just scared."

"Come on, we need to get all of you to the choir room. You'll be safe there." Sam said, putting a hand on Brenda's back and leading her out of the bathroom. They started walking towards the choir room when a voice yelled,

"Where do you think you're going?" They started running as the man in black with a mask on came after them, a gun in his hand. I open one of the doors and push Brenda and the other two kids in there, shutting it before Brenda could stop me. I ran around the corner, and hid beside a bunch of lockers. He must be a mutant or something because he found me within seconds and instead of shooting me, he started hitting me with the gun. He hit me a few times in the head but I kept fighting back.

"Why are you doing this?"

"High school was the worst time of my life and now it's time for everyone to go what I went through." He growled. Sam swung at him and hit him in the face. It caught him off guard. They started wrestling on the ground and he heard the gun go off twice. Sam hit him one more time and knocked him unconscious. Then, he started to feel the pain in in leg. He braced himself against the wall and looked down at it. Both times the gun went off, it hit him. There were two bullet holes in one leg. Blood had already soaked his pants leg and there was a puddle on the floor. He was starting to get light headed, but he had to get back to Brenda. Despite his leg feeling like a lion was gnawing on it, he slowly made his way back to the room he had pushed them in. He opened the door and almost fell on top of her, but the boy that had been in the bathroom with her caught him.

"Oh my god, Sam!" She exclaimed, putting one of her arms around his back, helping him support him. "We need to get him back to the choir room. Now." She said. They started towards the choir room and Sam noticed that he was leaving a trail of blood, there being a trail from where the shooter was still laying on the ground, knocked out. Brenda knocked on the door and Mr. Schue opened it, once seeing Sam, he took her place at Sam's side, lowering him down on the floor, against the wall.

"Someone give me their jacket, we need to stop the bleeding!" Mr. Schue called. Puck tossed him his jacket, whereas Mr. Schue put a lot of pressure on Sam's leg. He yelled out in pain, nearly crying it hurt some much."I know it hurts, Sam. You've already lost a lot of blood."

"Don't you think I know that!" He exclaimed.

"Where's the shooter?" Finn asked. Sam took a deep breath.

"He-"He swallowed." He's in the hall, I knocked him out." He cried out again as Mr. Schue lifted his leg up enough to put another jacket underneath his thigh, where he'd been shot at in the leg. One of the bullets went all the way through, but the other one was still in there. Everyone had gathered around them. Sam squeezed his eyes shut, he was crying now, and opened them again, looking at Brenda.

"It hurts." He whispered. She grabbed his hand, not caring that it was covered in blood. He saw a man in the door way, a part of the swat team or something, he assumed. He heard him yell all clear, and the last thing he saw was Brenda trying to get his attention. Then, everything went black.

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