Baby Time!

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Saturday, February 16th, 2013

36.6 weeks

10:30 PM

On Brenda's due date, the glee club came to keep her entertained, playing games, watching movies, anything they could think of. They were going to stay the night, just in case Sam got home really late, like usual.

"So are they inducing you tomorrow?" Tina asked.

"Yeah, probably. That is, if I don't go into labor tonight.As much as I want to go on and have her, I want Sam to be there."

"And you know he wants to be there." She nodded.

"Are you scared?" Rachel asked.

"Hell yeah. Scared of the pain mostly, but excited that we finally get to meet her."She said, rubbing her stomach, smiling when the baby started kicking.

"Is she kicking a lot?"Artie asked.

"Yeah. I guess she misses Sam. Just like I do."She said.

"I really don't see the point in them making him work so much. Do they even care that his girlfriend is pregnant and could go into labor at any time." Chord said, throwing his hands in the air for emphasis. Everyone laughed. An hour later, around 11:45, Sam got home. Everyone was still awake. Brenda, because of nerves, and everyone else because of excitement. Donna had gone to bed two hours ago. They heard the roar of his truck in the driveway, and they could see his head lights through the window. They heard him stomping up the stairs to get the mud and snow off the bottom of his shoes and the door unlocked. His phone started ringing just as he opened the door. They heard him groan.

"What?" That was his way of answering the phone.

"You need to come back to the shop." Jeff said.


"You're on call tonight." He answered.

"Oh hell no. Do you not understand that my girlfriend is pregnant, and she's going to be induced tomorrow. Get Carl to do it."

"I can't. You have to."

"I don't care. I'm not coming to get that damn phone, and I'm not going on any calls. You can get your fat ass up outta the bed, and do it yourself. And you have to deal with it!" He hung up the phone and kicked his boots off by the door. He stood in the door way and smiled at Brenda.

"Hey baby, hey everyone else. I'll be back in like, an hour. I gotta scrub all this crap off me." He kissed Brenda lightly and put a hand on her belly, feeling the baby kick. That made him even happier, despite the fact that he was dead tired. He went up stairs and took a shower. It was shorter than he thought, the dirt, mud, sweat, and oil coming off of him easily. He put on a long sleeved sweat shirt and sweat pants, since it was cold in the house. He put a pair of socks on and went back downstairs. He went in the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. He also took the box of pizza out of there, and not caring that it was cold, took a huge bite out of a slice.

"There's some pizza in there if you're hungry Sam!" Puck called.

"Already found it!" He called back, although it was muffled by the food in his mouth. He only ate that piece and another one quickly, put the box back in the fridge, and downed half the water before going into the living room and sitting beside Brenda. He put the water bottle on the coffee table and wrapped his arms around her, both hands on her belly. She put one of her hands over his, and lifted his other hand to look at it.

"You scrubbed your hands good huh?"

"Yeah. I'm tired of having all that nasty oil and mud and all that crap all over my hands and under my nails."Brenda laughed along with everyone else."You feeling okay?" He asked her. She nodded and looked up at him.

"Yeah, but we definitely missed you today." She said, kissing his cheek.

"I missed you both too. Hopefully we get to meet her tomorrow."He said and rubbed his eyes."Are y'all staying here tonight?" He asked, then yawned.

"Yeah, we were going to just in case you got home late, but we're still staying, if that's alright with you."Finn said.

"Fine with me." He said and yawned again.

"Why don't you two go to bed? It's after 12." Santana said

"Happy Birthday boys!" Mercedes said."And maybe baby!" Everyone laughed.

"Thanks guys." Sam said, Chord agreeing with him."You ready to go to bed?" He asked Brenda. She nodded but they just sat there staring at each other. He looked at everyone else."No lie, I like, can't get up I'm so tired." Sam said. Chord laughed and held out a hand. He pulled Sam up. Sam took both of Brenda's hands and pulled her up easily.

"I'll be happy when I can stand up without any help." She mumbled and Sam chuckled. He put a hand on her back as they walked up stairs.

"Night y'all!" He called and Brenda waved. She sat on the side of the bed and watched him pull his shirt off and take his pants off. He slid into the bed and she snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her. Her belly was pressed up against his stomach, and he could still feel the baby kicking.

"I can feel her kicking." He said smiling. Brenda smiled and kissed him.

"We get to meet her soon Sam. Soon." He kissed her on the forehead and they both fell asleep.

Tuesday, February 17th, 2013

37 weeks

4 AM

Brenda woke up around four in the morning, when she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She didn't know if it was a contraction or not until she felt another one a few minutes later. She sat up and started shaking Sam to wake him up. He moaned and opened his eyes, rubbing them with the palm of his hands. He sat up.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" He asked.

"I think I'm having contractions-Holy hell yes that's what they are." She groaned, grabbing his hand. Sam stood up quickly once it was over and put on a shirt, then put on a pair of jeans. He still had socks on so he went ahead and put his shoes on. He was freaking out."Sam, just calm down okay? Go wake mama up." She said, sitting up on the side of the bed. He nodded and ran down the hall to Donna's room. He banged on the door until she opened it.

"What Sam? Is she in labor?" He nodded frantically, eyes wide."Okay, go to her. I'll wake everyone up downstairs. Just calm down, and Sam?" He looked at her." Put your shirt on the right way." He looked down at his shirt and realized it was on backwards.

"Crap!" He heard her laughing as he ran back down the hall to their room. She was attempting to put a pair of socks on her feet.

"Boots?" He asked. She nodded. He took her boots out of the closet and knelt in front of her. He put her socks on her then put the boots on her."You going in that?" He asked.

"Might as well." She answered. She had on one of his old T-shirts and sweatpants. She went to get up but stopped short, feeling another contraction. She reached for Sam's hand, and she squeezed it until the contraction was over. She breathed through it. Then, Santana appeared in the doorway.

"You guys go on ahead to the hospital. I'll get the baby bag and everything else you need." She said. Sam looked up at her gratefully. He grabbed his and Brenda's phone, his wallet, and the keys to her car. He helped her up and wrapped an arm around her back as he helped her down the stairs, where everyone was now in the living room, awake. When Chord saw them coming down the stairs, he immediately went up the few steps to get on Brenda's other side and help her down the steps. She hugged him and he kissed her cheek, then he side hugged Sam, since Sam's arm was still wrapped around Brenda's back.

"We'll see you guys in a few minutes." He said.

"Good luck guys!" Brenda smiled at them but that turned into a grimace as she had another contraction. Sam told her to put her arms around his neck and stretch her back. It helped a lot with the pain.

"Alright, c'mon little mama." She laughed when he said that, and they got in the car. They looked at each other, smiling. Sam reached over and kissed her once for the road, but held her hand the entire way to the hospital.

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