Christmas Day

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Just a note, by the way, Sam started going back to work the week after their first week back to school.

Tuesday, December 25th, 2012

29.2 weeks

Christmas morning, Donna, Chris, and Chord stood in the door way of Sam and Brenda's room down in the basement, watching them. Brenda was on her side, pushed up against Sam's chest. He had one arm wrapped around her, his hand on her belly, and his other arm was behind his head. She had one of her hands over his, her other arm behind her head, like his. Chord took his phone and took a picture of them, sending it to both of their phones, along with the rest of the glee club.

"Should we wake them up?" Donna whispered to them.

"Um, yeah. It's after 10 o'clock, we've been waiting on them to get up since 8." Chris said. He walked over to Brenda's side of the bed and knelt beside it, put his hands over his mouth to make the sound loud and started making alarm clock sounds. Sam made a whining sound and Brenda said,

"You're not an alarm clock Sam."

"That's not me. It's your idiot of a brother." Neither one of them had opened their eyes yet. She smacked Chris on the head and turned over, putting her head on Sam's shoulder, her hands close to her chest.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"For one, I knew it was either you or Chord, but Chord doesn't do that. He'll just try to scare the shit out of you or jump on you. And two," He started,

"You just told on yourself." Brenda finished. It was quiet for a few minutes as the two looked at the three. Then all at once, Donna, Chris and Chord said,

"Merry Christmas!"

"Now get your lazy butts up!" Chris said, running out of the room, barely missing the pillow that was thrown at him. Sam put his face in the pillow and groaned loudly into it. Brenda sat up.

"Where's Quinn?" She asked. Since Quinn's mom sadly had to go on a business trip this week, she was staying with them until she gets back. She didn't want her to stay with Puck because... you know why.

"She's upstairs making breakfast." Chord answered, as he and Donna went back upstairs." Mercedes is gonna be here in a little while!" He called. The two got up and made their way upstairs. Brenda immediately smelled the food and her mouth watered, not really. They ate and by the time Mercedes got there, it was time to open presents. Sam and Brenda got a bunch of baby toys and stuff for the baby, obviously, Sam and Chord got new video games, Quinn got a camera, Quinn got Sam and Brenda a regular picture taking camera, and a cam recorder, Mercedes got makeup, Donna, Brenda, Mercedes, Rachel, and Quinn got a spa trip from Sam and Chord, and Sam got Brenda a pair of diamond earrings that match the ring he got her for her birthday.

"I love it Sam. They're beautiful." She said, and kissed him. The two ended up going back to their room and looked through the baby outfits they already had and took a nap. Before they fell asleep, Sam said,

"Just think, this time next year, we'll have our baby girl with us."

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