First Day Together

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Monday, February 18th, 2013

12 AM

Brenda was sitting in the rocking chair, holding Brooklyn, while Sam was asleep on the bed. She had already slept a lot, and she wasn't as tired as he was. He'd been asleep since everyone left, around 9 o'clock, and it's 12 AM. Around 1 AM, she put Brooklyn in the bassinet and rolled it closer to the bed, on her side, and lied down with Sam. He, even though he was asleep, turned over and wrapped his arms around her. She put her head on his chest and fell asleep. Around 5 AM, Brenda woke up to feed and change Brooklyn, then when she fell asleep, she put her back in the bassinet and fell asleep with Sam until 10 AM, when they both woke up. Brenda kissed Sam on the lips quickly and sat up, picking Brooklyn, who was wide awake, up. She sat back against the bed and gave her to Sam, whereas she started cooing happily.

"See, she loves her daddy."She said, smiling at him."And so do I."She kissed his cheek. He smiled. Brenda reached over and hit the call button and told Renee that she needed a bottle. A few minutes later, she walked in shaking the formula. She handed it to Brenda and left after smiling at Sam and the baby. Brenda gave Sam the bottle and he just looked at her.

"I know you're not scared to feed her now? You're not gonna hurt her."

"I know but, she's so little and easy to break and I'm like, huge" He said, moving her so that he was holding her with one arm.

"I know. look, when you hold the bottle, make sure there isn't any air in the nipple, don't laugh, so she doesn't start choking or coughing." Sam grinned at her, trying not to laugh. She shook her head at him and watched him feed her. After a few minutes, she stood up.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower." He nodded.

"Do you need help?" He asked.

"Nah, I got it." He nodded again.

"Okay, let me know if you need me." She nodded and went in the bathroom. Once Brooklynn finished the bottle, her burped her and stood up, holding her in his arms. He gave her a binkie and walked around the room with her. He stopped at the window and moved the curtains,holding her up so she could see outside.

"Look, baby girl, it's snowing. It snows a lot around here, so when you're older, I'll get to to take you outside and play with you. We can throw snowballs at Uncle Chord." He whispered to her. She cooed and he kissed her curly blond head. He sat back down on the bed and put her on his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down her little back and watched her as she yawned. Brenda came back, her hair still damp, and sat on the bed next to him.

"She looks like a little frog because of the way she's laying on you." She said, smiling. Sam laughed and Brooklyn whined for a few seconds, but then stopped.


"I'm sorry about your birthday. I had a lot planned to do for you, and I have the best present for you."She said, looking like she was about to cry. He used his free hand to hold hers.

"I'm not worried about my birthday. I have the best birthday gift laying right here on my chest, with you by my side." She smiled and pushed some hair behind her ear."But now, I get to share a birthday with this beautiful little girl."

"What about Chord?"

"Him too." He said, and she giggled. Brooklyn squirmed and they looked at her. Her face was red and she was making little grunting sounds. Then, she farted. Along with a stinky little present in her diaper.

"You can take care of that."Brenda said, putting her hands over her nose. He playfully glared at her.

"Can you get me a diaper and wipes then?" He asked, putting Brooklyn on the bed in front of him. She started squirming and whimpering. Brenda chuckled, rolling her eyes, but grabbed a diaper and the box of wipes for him. She gave it to him as he unbuttoned her onsie, pulling it up enough to get it out of the way. He took the diaper off of her, using it to clean as much as he could, then threw it in a trashcan. He lifted her up a bit by the ankles, wiping her butt. Her bottom lip poked out and she started crying.

"I know baby girl, it's cold. Daddy's almost done!" He said in a baby voice, putting the new diaper on her. He button her onsie back up and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. She stopped crying and sighed, and sunk deeper into his arms, yawning and blinking, her eyes slowly shutting and she finally fell asleep again.

"That was the cutest thing ever. The yawning part." Brenda said. Sam smiled, kissing her forehead, then Brooklyn's.

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