Sleep Deprived & To Much School Work

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Friday, February 8th, 2013

35.5 weeks

4 PM

After school

Over the next two weeks, the seniors have been getting a lot of projects, school work, and homework to do in a short amount of time, and adding Sam going to work for 6 hours straight, give or take a few, after school isn't helping any. During lunch, he'd skip and go straight to the choir room or auditorium and get as much stuff done as he could, then when he would get home late, he'd take a shower and finished it, then the next day, he'd get up at 7 AM and do it all again. Sometimes, he'd even skip Glee practice so he could get everything done and spend a few minutes alone with Brenda at night. His shoulders hurt, his back hurt, his neck hurts, everything hurts. He hadn't gotten a full nights sleep in weeks, and it was starting to catch up to him. Around the time before Glee club started today, he heard one of the football players talking crap about Brenda, asking him,

"Where's the whale at? Oh, that's right, she passed out at school two weeks ago because of that bastard baby." Then he'd laugh. He stopped laughing though when Sam jumped on him and started beating the shit out of him, even though he got a black eye and busted lip from the dude, who weighed three times as much as he did. Chord had to pull him off before any teachers could get involved. Well, Chord, Puck, Finn, and Jake had to pull him off. He managed to get out of their grips and just walked off. No one knows where he went, but it was somewhere in the school. Later that day, around 4 o'clock, everyone went over to Brenda's house, where she was sitting on the couch beside Chord, watching TV. She smiled at everyone as they came in.

"Have any of you talked to Sam?" She asked. They looked at each other.

"Um, no, not since before Glee practice. Why?" Rachel asked.

"Well I texted him and asked him if he had a good day of school and all he said was yeah, and nothing else-Wait, until before glee practice? What do you mean?"

"He got in a fight with one of the football players today." Chord answered.

"Why? Is he okay? He didn't get hurt did he?"

"He got a black eye and busted lip, and the guy was three times his size, even though it took me, Chord, Puck, and Jake to pull Sam off of him." She was about to respond when she got a text from Sam.

I' m sorry for the short text baby, I'm at work and I'm pretty busy. The only way I got to text you is because I told them I had to pee. I don't know what time I'll get home, but I just want you to know I love you. I gotta get back to work. ~Sammy

"He just texted me and said he was at work and that he'd get home late."She said, sending him another text back.

"Well, we'll stay until he gets back, no matter how late it is." Rachel said, smiling at her. She smiled back. And they did stay, until 11 o'clock that night when he got home. Chris was with him, and as they walked into the house, Chris stopped him at the light so he could see his face better.

"Damn dude, how hard did he hit you?"

"I don't know. I was just pissed off at him for what he said about Brenda. All I saw was red at the time. I didn't even notice him hit me until I looked in the mirror and saw it." Sam answered, sounding like he was drunk, but he was just tired. Or more like sleep deprived. They walked into the living room, which was pretty dark. Sam went over to Brenda and said tiredly,

"Hey baby, I'm gonna go take a shower." Then he kissed her gently on the lips, and she could tell that his lips were swollen. More so than usual. She nodded and watched him walk slowly to the door leading down to the basement. Chris sat beside her and she told him,

"He is not working for the rest of the weekend. I mean it." She said, glaring at him.

"Hey, it's not my fault. I'm not the boss."

"Yeah, but when you and Lauren get married, you will be." She said, turning back to the movie. Eventually, both Chris and Chord both took to the floor, Chord going to sit with Mercedes, and Chris because he was scared of look Brenda was giving him. Sam came back up stairs, and went into the kitchen.

Brenda got up with the help of Finn, and went in with him. She turned the light on so that she could see him better. He was standing with his back to her, taking Tylenol. He burped quietly after he took them and turned around, knowing she was there. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the side of his face.

"Sit down!" She exclaimed, getting a rag and ice pack, along with some Vaseline to put on his busted lip. He sat on one of the short stools. She wrapped the ice pack in the rag, and gently put it on his eye. He leaned forward so that his head was on her shoulder, his face facing her, his eyes closed."My god, Sam, what did he say to make you so mad?" She asked.

"He was insulting you and the baby."He mumbled, not moving his head."I'm not telling you what he said because I know you'll start getting upset and that's not good for you or the baby." She reached over to his forehead and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Okay." She said, understandingly."Are you feeling okay? You don't have a fever."

"I'm just tired. So tired. And a headache." He said, sounding half asleep.

"Let's go to bed, you don't have to work the rest of the rest of the weekend." He nodded. He stood up and hugged her before they started walking to the door. She took the ice pack with her, and turned the lights off.

"We're going to bed, y'all. You can stay here, go home, whatever, just don't eat all the food like last time." Brenda said. Sam waved his hand slightly at them, and kept following Brenda. He put a hand on her back as they walked down the stairs. He took all of his clothes off until he was just in his boxers, and she was just wearing booty shorts and a tank top. They lied down, her head on his chest like usual, with his arms wrapped around her. She put the ice pack against his face again, and he sighed happily. He blinked a few times and looked at her.

"I love you."He whispered.

"I love you too, baby. Go to sleep." He nodded childishly, and fell asleep almost immediately.

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