School Shopping

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Third Person POV

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

10.3 weeks

Today, Sam, Brenda, and Chord got their list of school supplies in the mail, along with pretty much everyone else, and they re going to meet up with Mercedes at the mall to get everything. When they left, Sam said,

"I gotta go by the store to get my check."

"Okay." Brenda said and Chord just nodded, texting Mercedes. Sam parked in a random spot and jogged into the store. He came back out with a bag and his check in his hand. He got in the truck right before it started raining. Yeah, the weather in Ohio has been really bad this summer.

"Here you go." He said and handed Brenda a Mountain Dew and a pack of M&M's, and a coke for Chord with a regular Hershey Bar. He opened his Pepsi and took a big gulp of it, then put the cap back on it and put it in the cup holder.

"Thanks, Sammy." She said, opening the back of M&M's and tossing a bunch in her mouth. He laughed. Ten minutes later he was getting frustrated.

"Why the hell is there so much damn traffic?" He exclaimed."Is everyone going to the dang mall today or something?" Five minutes later he turned into the mall parking lot. Brenda smiled to herself, and grabbed Sam's hand as they walked into the mall, Mercedes meeting them at the door.

An hour later

An hour later, the four of them were at the food court, eating pizza.

"When is your next appointment?" Mercedes asked Brenda.

"The 27th."She answered."I'll be exactly 3 months then." She finished. A few minutes later, Sam asked,

"Does your brother know that you're pregnant?" She thought for a minute and covered her mouth, saying,

"Aw shit! No, he doesn't know. At least, I don't think he does yet." Then she got a text from her mom.

All of you're friends are here, and so is Chris. He's pissed. ~ Mom

Damn, okay. We'll be there in a little while. And tell him that he better not try to hit Sam when we get there, because it isn't his fault.~ Brenda

I already did.~ Mom

"We gotta go. Mama said that everyone is there, including Chris." She told everyone. Sam made a sound.

"Well, I'm screwed." Brenda didn't say anything at that. They got home 20 minutes later. Mercedes and Chord went in first, and Sam was last. He shut the door and right when he walked into the living room, a foot connected with his nuts. His eyes widened and he fell to his knees, holding his junk.

"Fuck, what the hell was that for?" He squeaked.

"For getting my sister pregnant!" Chris exclaimed. Sam rolled onto his side then, still holding his junk. He literally had tears in his eyes because of how hard he kicked him.

"What did I just tell you!" Brenda yelled.

"You said I couldn't hit him!"

"Kicking him in the nuts means the same thing. I said don't hurt him!"She yelled. He shrugged and just left. Brenda huffed and knelt beside Sam.

"You alright baby?"

"No. My dick and nuts hurt." He squeaked."Why does he have to kick so hard. Damn!"

"Looks like he won't be having any more kids." Sam glared at Puck, which caused Puck to start laughing.

"It's not funny. How would you feel if I kicked you just as hard."Sam exclaimed.

"You want to see if you can get up." He barely even moved one of his legs and said,

"Nope, I'm good. I think I'm just gonna stay here for a while."He said, making everyone laugh.


Friday, August 10th, 2012

For the next two days, Sam barely stood up and walked around, and when he did, it looked like he was waddling. He told Brenda that it hurt to even pee. Sunday morning, he woke up and went to the bathroom, and when he did, he noticed that he was bruised pretty badly down there, and he freaked out.

"Um, Brenda?" He called. She had been laying in the bed watching TV when he called her.


"Can you come in here for a minute?" He asked, blushing. She got up and went in the bathroom with him.

"What's wrong?" He looked down at his crotch and then back at her."What about it?"

"It's like, really bruised down there." He mumbled. She raised an eyebrow.

"What is?"

"Uh, everything, pretty much. My balls and penis." He was still blushing.

"Let me see it." She said. He hesitated for a minute and unbuttoned his pants, pushing them down enough for her to see.

"Oh my god, Sam..." She said quietly."You need to go to the doctor, it shouldn't be this bad."

"I know but, it's embarrassing." He said, pulling his pants back up and buttoning them.

"I know it is, but it's not your fault in the first place. It's Chris' dumb ass. I didn't think a man's penis could actually bruise like that anyway." She replied.

"Yeah."He said."It hurts like hell."He sighed. She looked at him sadly, and hugged him.

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