Ultrasounds & Heartbeats

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Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

5.3 weeks

9 AM

On July 4th, everyone expected it to be sunny and hot, but instead, it was storming. Thunder storms, to be exact, which Brenda loved. They were both getting ready to go to the doctor's appointment, which is at 10 AM. Around 9:30, they left after telling Chord and Brenda's mom that they were leaving. A song Brenda liked came on, and she turned the radio up while Sam laughed at her. When it was over, she turned the radio down and pouted.

"What?" Sam asked.

"The only bad thing about today is that I was looking forward to the fireworks."She said. He smiled slightly and took her hand in his.

"Baby, we already have plans, remember? Tonight we can watch the fireworks they put on TV and then when it's not raining or cloudy out, we'll do our own."

"Still." She whined, but smiled when he made a silly face at her."Do I ever annoy you? Because I feel like sometimes I annoy you. And you're kinda stuck with me and our baby will probably as annoying as me and you'll probably rip all you're hair out-" He put his hand over her mouth and smiled.

"Brenda, no, you don't annoy me. I'm not stuck with you. I chose to be with you, and I'm not leaving you or the baby, ever. The only time you annoy me is when you ramble on and on about you thinking that you annoy me." She made a confused look for a second then laughed.

"Ooh, I get it. I was confused for a second." She said and he snorted.

"If anything, you're just weird and silly, and that's what I love about you." She leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you too!" And she got out of the car, waiting for him on the side walk, in front of where he parked. He locked the car up and walked up to her, grabbing her hand. She swung their hands as they walked into the building. They were the only ones in the elevator.

"What floor is it?" He asked.

"Two." He nodded and pressed the button.

"Have you ever been on the first floor of a building, and were supposed to go to like, the third floor or something, and you just kept pressing one, wondering why you weren't going anywhere?" She asked, looking at him. He looked down at her and cocked an eyebrow.

"No, have you?"

"Yep! When Chris was in the hospital a few years ago, back when we lived in South Carolina." She answered and he started laughing again.

"Have you been eating candy or something?" He asked.

"Maybe. But I'm mostly happy about today. When they called to remind us about the appointment yesterday, she said that we could do an ultrasound and maybe hear the heartbeat!" She said happily. Sam smiled widely.

"I didn't know that, but that makes me happier too!" She kissed him on the cheek as the doors opened. Brenda signed in at the little window and sat down with Sam. A few minutes later, Renee, the same nurse as last time, called her back.

"How are you feeling today?" She asked her.

"Besides morning sickness, pretty good!"

"You're more excited today then last time, I assume?" She asked, grinning.

"Yes ma'am! Both of us." She glanced up at Sam who winked at her.

"Great! Just step up on the scale." She did as she asked.

"You've gained two pounds since last time." She informed her. Brenda nodded. She took them to the room, where the monitor was waiting on them.

"Just hop up on the bed and you probably know the drill by now." She told her. Brenda nodded and undid her pants and pulled her shirt up to her boobs. Sam knew she had done ultrasounds before, but for completely different reasons.

"First, we'll see if we can find the heart beat, then you get to see your baby." The two nodded. Brenda squealed slightly when she put the cold gel on her stomach.

"If I start crying, don't judge me." She said to Sam.

"Baby, I probably will too, so don't worry about it." Sam saw Renee smile at his words. After a couple minutes, a quiet fluttering sort of sound filled the room.

"That's your baby's heart beat so far, but as he or she gets bigger, it'll sound like an actual heart beat, instead of fluttering." Renee told the, then turned the screen on. Sam's eyes were watering, and a few tears had escaped Brenda's. He reached up and wiped them. She smiled at him, then they both looked at the screen. After a few more minutes, a tiny spec appeared on the screen, and Renee pointed at it.

"That little dot right there, is your baby. He or she is no bigger than an apple seed right now." Sam quickly wiped his eyes.

"This is so weird, but amazing at the same time." Brenda said. Sam nodded in agreement.

"Would you like me to print pictures?" They nodded. As she was doing that, she gave Brenda a few paper towels to wipe the gel off her stomach. Sam helped her and she stood up, buttoning her pants again and pulling her shirt back down. She hugged him quickly and sat back on the bed.

"Do you guys have any questions?"

"Um, yeah, I have one. I forgot to ask Linda last time we were here, but do you remember that problem I had last year?" She asked. Renee nodded." That wouldn't affect this pregnancy, would it? Like cause problems or anything?"

"No, it won't. See, the only problem you really had, aside from the bleeding, was that huge cyst on your right ovary, which we removed. it wasn't cancerous, and your uterus was perfectly thin and there wasn't a problem there. You'll be fine, and so will the baby." Brenda let out a breath that she had been holding and smiled. Renee handed her three pictures of the ultrasound, whereas Brenda promptly handed one to Sam, who immediately put it in his wallet. She put the other two in her bag and hopped off the bed.

"I want to see you back next month, on August 27th. You'll be exactly three months along then." They nodded and held hands as they left. They made the appointment and left. It's now 12 0'clock.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" Sam asked her, and she nodded."Where do you wanna go?" He asked.

"Where do you wanna go?" She repeated."I always chose, you should get to this time."

"We can go to Westwood BBQ if it's alright with you."

"What did I just say?" She asked, glaring at him playfully. He laughed."If that's where you want to go, then lets go! They have awesome brownies, but not as good as yours." She added. He shook his head and laughed. They got their food and sat across from each other at the booth.

"You know, this is the most country place in all of Ohio, that I know of at least?" Sam asked. She nodded. She was pretty much stuffing her face like he does when he's hungry, and he found it adorable and funny. He chuckled and she looked up at him. She took a sip of her drink and said seriously,

"I'm eating for two right now, so don't judge me." He laughed again. after a few seconds, he said,

"About that...Should we just announce it on Facebook or something before it start spreading around town?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. Because people will be spreading bad rumors too."She said."And i know the perfect way to do it." She said. He raised an eyebrow, but she didn't say what she meant yet.

Baby...In High School?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon