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Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

25.3 weeks

Some of Brenda's family were coming to Ohio for Thanksgiving, including her grandpa, cousin Amanda and her two kids, Emily, who is 5, and Dana, who is 9 months old, her cousin Kayla and her husband Kevin, with their 5 month old son, Jack. And finally, her cousin Stephanie with her 9 year old daughter Raven. Donna went to the store with Brenda the night before, when Sam got home and got settled with everyone else, meaning he took a nap on the couch, using Mercedes leg as a pillow. No one knew why, but she made him do it. Donna left a little while ago to get them from the air port, and now Chord, Sam, Chris, and Brenda were waiting on them. Sam had his hands on Brenda's stomach, feeling the baby kick, when all of a sudden the baby just... jumped.

"What the hell just happened?"Sam asked. The baby kept doing that, and Brenda said,

"I think she has the hiccups." Sam laughed.

"It feels weird against my hand, I just wonder what it feels like for you." He said, looking down at her.

"Trust me, it feels weird, but a good weird. It just lets me know that she's growing and happy." She said, looking up a him. She reached up and kissed him on the lips and grinned cutely.

"Get a room." Chris mumbled.

"Shut up." Brenda said, nudging him with her foot.

"Ew get your nasty foot off me." He squeaked, moving closer to the side of the couch.

"You're such a big baby." She said, laughing. The front door opened and everyone heard her grampa say,

"Where's my only granddaughter at?" She laughed and got up slowly, one hand on her stomach. Sam got up with her, using his crutches, along with Chord and Chris. Her grampa grinned widely and hugged her when he saw her. He shook Sam and Chord's hands, then ruffled Sam's hair.

"How you feeling?" He asked. Everyone looked at him then.

"A lot better. I just can't stand using these crutches." He said, looking down at them.

"I know the feeling." Sam laughed. He hugged the rest of the family, since he'd met them before and they all liked him. Pa whispered in Brenda's ear, and she walked over to Sam. She put a hand on his chest and whispered in his ear,

"Pa wants to talk to you privately in the kitchen."

"He's not gonna hit me is he?" He asked. She snorted.

"No, he's not gonna hit you. I promise." He nodded and kissed her cheek before following her grampa into the kitchen. Everyone else went in the living room to talk.

"Yes sir?" Sam asked, sitting across from him.

"I'm just gonna get straight to the point." He started off." How do you feel about being a father?" He asked. Sam didn't think he was gonna ask that.

"I-uh, well. I mean, I'm nervous about it, but I'm happy. I honestly can't wait until she's born."

"Good answer." He replied. Sam laughed nervously. Pa had never been this serious with him. Then Pa grinned again." Boy, you know I'm just messing with you. I felt the same way when we had Donna. I was scared too, because I didn't know how to take care of a girl. But trust me, it's a hell of a lot easier then taking care of boys. At least, when it comes to mine it is." Sam laughed.

"I hope so. Brenda says she's gonna be a daddy's girl, but I don't know."

"Well, no one'll know until she's born." They stood up, about to go in the living room, when he said," Oh and Sam?"


"Next time, use a condom." Sam felt his cheeks burning as he quickly went in the living room, sitting next to Brenda. She looked at him and started laughing.

"What'd he say?" She asked.

"He was getting so serious and then before I came in he was just like, 'Next time, use a condom'." Sam whispered to her, whereas she started laughing harder, hiding her face in his chest. Everyone was just staring at her and Pa asked.

"Did you tell her what I said?" Brenda sat up, fanning her face but still laughing.

"Ha ha, yeah, ha ha, he did." Sam laughed at her, since she couldn't stop laughing. Once she calmed down, she wiped her eyes because she was crying she was laughing so hard.

"How far along are you?" Kayla asked. She looked at Sam and whispered,

"What's today?"

"The 26th." He answered.

"Tomorrow I'll be 6 months." She answered, playing with Sam's fingers.

"When is your due date?" Amanda asked.

"February 17th." Sam answered." My birthday." He added. Then all of the girls were gushing over that.


Thursday, November 29th, 2012

25.4 weeks

Thursday morning, the girls got up early and started cooking. The boys all got up in time for the game to start, but Sam sat in the kitchen and watched Brenda help them cook, and he looked after little Dana and Emily at the island. After they all ate, the glee clubbers came over and played football, whereas Sam didn't get to play, but he'd rather sit in chairs by the fire with the girls and Pa and play with the kids. He was holding both Jack and Dana in his arms and making them laugh hysterically, just by the sounds he was making. To end the night, a few people, including Sam sang. He sang 'Never Be Alone' by Shawn Mendes.

I promise that one day I'll be around

I'll keep you safe

I'll keep you sound

Right now it's pretty crazy

And I don't know how to stop or slow it down


I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay

Just let me hold you for a little longer now

Take a piece of my heart

And make it all your own

So when we are apart

You'll never be alone [2x]

You'll never be alone

When you miss me close your eyes

I may be far but never gone

When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars

And hey

I know there are some things we need to talk about

And I can't stay

Just let me hold you for a little longer now

And take a piece of my heart

And make it all your own

So when we are apart

You'll never be alone [6x]

And take a piece of my heart

And make it all your own

So when we are apart

You'll never be alone

Never be alone.

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