Pregnancy Announcements & Grocery Store Visitors

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When Sam and Brenda got home, everyone in glee club was there, like usual. Brenda gave one of the ultrasound pictures to her mom, who started crying, which caused Brenda to start crying. Sam just hugged them both, trying not to laugh. Sam took the one out of his wallet and passed it to Chord, then everyone got to see it. Most of the girls awe'd at it. Brenda took Sam into the kitchen and gave him her phone, which already had the camera set up.

"What are you doing?" He asked. She had picked up the ultrasound picture on her way to the kitchen, and had it held up to her stomach, her fingers making a heart around the little dot that was their baby. 

"Just take a picture, then I'll show you." She said.

"Okay. Smile!" He said and she giggled, smiling widely. He snapped the picture then handed her the phone. They went back into the living room and Brenda sat on one end of the couch, Sam next to her, her feet in his lap. He was running his fingers up and down her legs. She posted the picture on Facebook, tagging everyone in it.

Brenda Jackson ~with Sam Evans, and 20 others

Guess whose pregnant???This girl! Yep, Sam and I are expecting our own baby in February next year! No, I'm not getting an abortion, no we are not giving the baby up for adoption, and yes, we are keeping the baby. Those of you from school who will probably start calling me a whore for getting pregnant at 17 can go ahead and shut your mouths and keep it to your self, because I've only slept with one person, and that is Sam. It's none of your business that I'm pregnant, we are both excited and can't wait! And for the other people who will probably call Sam a deadbeat dad or something, don't even. He loves me, I love him, and he's made it perfectly clear that he loves the baby just as much as I do, and that he will never leave us. You can either be happy for us, or you can just sit around and insult us silently. Either way is fine. Please and thank you!

Sam Evans, Chord Overstreet, and 250 others like this.

When Sam read it, he busted out laughing, but hugged her and kissed her anyway.


Santana Lopez: You ain't gotta worry about nothing, girl. I'll take care of these dumb ass bitches who try to mess with you!

Brenda Jackson: lol thanks San. You do know that you could've just said to me since were in the same room right.

Santana Lopez: Yep. I know. I commented just so people will know that the baddest bitch in town will cut a bitch if they say anything to you or Sam.

Sam Evans: Holy crap! She said my actual name!

Santana Lopez: Don't be sarcastic, Trouty. ;)

Sam Evans: Nvm, there it is. :( lol thanks anyway Santana.

Brenda Jackson: You two are so weird.

Sam Evans: Well, just imagine how weird our baby will be because we're both weird.

Brenda Jackson: Good point...


Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

"Alright baby, I gotta go to work. I'll see you around 9:30." Sam told Brenda, who had been feeling bad all day because of morning sickness. She was laying on their bed, about to take a nap. She nodded.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He said and kissed her head before leaving. His cousin Janet worked there, and she usually left around 8 instead of nine, when he left. It was 8:10 when he saw her in line at the register he was at. The only one that was open. It was his mom.

"Hey, Mrs. Evans, how are you?" The cashier, Annie asked.

"I'm great, Annie, how about yourself?" She asked, unloading the shopping cart. Sam started bagging the grocery's as they reached him, and put them in the shopping cart.

"Great, Sam and I are about to be off work, thankfully." She said. Just being noted; She's gay.

"Uh huh." Was all he said until he had all of her bags in the cart, and she finished paying the bill."Do you need any help out with this?" He asked. Almost shyly, she said,

"Yes, please." He nodded silently and pushed the cart, following her out to the car and beginning to put the grocery's in the trunk." How have you been?"

"Good." He said. It's not like you care, anyway. He wanted to say.

"Well, that's good." She didn't say anything for a minute."I want you to come back home."

"No. You made it perfectly clear that you didn't want me there, just because my girlfriend is having a baby. And I'm 18, she's 17. You were 15 and dad was 16 when you had us so, that's not happening."

"Sam I'm sorry." She said. He slammed the trunk door closed and looked at her. He hesitated for a second, and said,

"Have a nice night Mrs. Evans." Then he walked back into the store. He leaned against the front counter where they sold cigarettes and put his face in his hands.

"Woah, dude, what's wrong?" His boss asked, coming up to him on the other side of the counter.

"That was my mom." Was all Sam said. He already knew the deal with him and Brenda.

"Awe man, I'm sorry. You alright?" Sam looked up at him, his face and eyes red."No, you're not. Why don't you go on home early tonight? We're not really busy anyway, probably just close early." He said. Sam nodded and ran a hand through his hair, clocking out and getting his keys from the back room. He said goodbye to Annie and left. And if you're wondering, he did cry. But he didn't cry until he reached the drive way of Brenda's house. He just put his arms on the steering wheel and buried his face in his arms, and started crying. When he stopped, he took the keys out of the ignition and locked the door, and walked into the house. He had a major headache now. The living room was empty, but there was a light on in the kitchen, and laughter was coming from it. He walked into the kitchen, realizing that Santana, Brittany, Finn, Rachel, Puck, Quinn, Chord, Mercedes, and Brenda were sitting at the kitchen table playing a game.

"Wait a minute, Sam, it's only 8:45. Why are you home baby?" Brenda asked. He didn't say anything, he just took a water bottle out of the fridge and found the small bottle of Tylenol. He fumbled around with it until he got it open and popped two pills in his mouth, and put the bottle back into the cabinet. He drank water with it and put the water bottle on the counter, putting both of his hands on the flat surface of the counter. He breathed in deeply, and let all the air out in one big huff. He felt a small hand on his shoulder and turned and hugged her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I saw my mom." He mumbled so only she could hear.

"I'm sorry, baby. Is that why you came home?" He nodded into her shoulder. "Why did you take Tylenol?" She asked.

"Headache." He mumbled again.

"Oh, okay. Rachel, you can take my place in the game if you want to." She said, then pulled Sam up stairs with her. When they were both in their night clothes, Brenda curled up to Sam like usual, she asked,

"What did she say?"

"She told me that she wanted me to come home." He said.

"And what did you tell her."

"I said that they made it clear that they didn't want me there, and that I wasn't coming home." His voice cracked at the end and even in the dark, she saw his lips trembling. She didn't say anything else, she just hugged him tighter and let him cry.

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