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Monday, May 13, 2013

Elizabeth's POV

I'm really excited for prom. It's the one thing all seniors look forward to in their last year. Everyone in glee club has been asked in one way or another to prom but my boyfriend hasn't asked me yet. I don't know why he hasn't asked me, but I'm too afraid to say something about it.

"Hey girl, you ready for prom?" Tina asked.

"I guess so." I said, shrugging.

"What's the matter?" Rachel asked. I just shrugged.

"Come on! Prom is the best part of your senior year. Tell us!" Brittany said, poking me. I sighed.

"Okay, I know he'll go to prom with me, it's just, Jesus hasn't made an effort to ask me yet."

"Oh, he'll ask." Mercedes said, looking at the other girls."Don't worry, you'll have a prom date alright."


Everyone met up at lunch, and I felt a familiar arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Hey beautiful." Jesus said, kissing my cheek.


"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Mercedes coughed and I glared at her. "I'm just waiting to see if I get the solo and planning for prom is stressful."

"How about after school, we go out to eat because you need a break. We'll be back before glee practice." I nodded.

"Sounds great, I'd love to. Thank you."


After school, we headed to the pizza place down the street.

"Mmm pizza." Jesus laughed.

"I knew you would like it." He ordered the pizza and we sat down at a booth.

"Of course, I love pizza."

"I really miss spending time with you. I'm just so busy with sports and planning for college, I just wish we were done already."

"I understand. I've been busy too. It'll be over soon, so let's enjoy it while it lasts." When we finished, we left to go to Glee practice. When I walked in, I noticed the choir room had been decorated a little. Mainly flowers, which were everywhere.

"Jesus, what's going on?" Kitty came out and made me sit in a chair. Jesus stood in front of me, Sam, Kurt, Puck, Finn, Mike, Chord and Blaine were all behind him. He began singing 'A Drop In The Ocean', which is my absolute favorite song.

A drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven

I don't wanna waste the weekend

If you don't love me pretend

A few more hours then it's time to go

As my train rolls down the east coast I wonder how you keep warm

It's too late to cry

Too broken to move on

And still I can't let you be

Most nights I hardly sleep

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