Welcome Home!

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Brenda unlocked the door as Sam held Brooklyn's car seat and their parents had their other stuff. Everyone jumped out and said surprise excitedly. Brenda immediately smiled while Sam just seemed straight up confused.

"What are y'all doing?" He asked, looking around at all the pink. Brenda, on the other hand, said,

"Awe, you guys! Who planned all this?" She asked.

Everyone pointed at Elizabeth and Puck pushed her forward.

"Thanks Puck." He laughed as Quinn smacked him." It was a actually more of a group effort. We all contributed."

"Even though I'm still totally confused, Liz it's amazing, It was awesome of you to think of us. All of you were nice to do this to welcome Brook home."

"Well we have plenty of food and drinks and cake," I said and Artie interrupted me,

"-and ice cream yo!"

" You and that dang ice cream dude, chill out." Finn said and Artie laughed.

"Yes and ice cream plus several games. All the decorations were done by The guys and Rachel. Santana and Brittany got the food."

"You guys must be tired so you should relax." Kurt said, ushering them in the living room and making them sit down. Sam made a face. He leaned down and took Brooklyn out of her car seat and gave her to Brenda.

"I'm actually starving." She said.

"Me too. Hospital food sucks." Brenda looked at Elizabeth.

"Do you want to hold her and it will be helpful for me to have both hands while I eat."

"I would love to." Brenda gave her to Elizabeth, who said, "You are so pretty." She walked around with her, bouncing her in her arms lightly. She is so beautiful. Elizabeth think's 'I'm not family by blood but by choice and I love my niece.' She passed her along to everyone else so they get a turn with her as she took several photos, which Kurt says he will Put in a photo book for her. Santana gave her back to Brenda and Elizabeth said,

"Game time! It's called sing song ping pong. I'll sing part of a song and the last word of the song I sing you will use as a beginning of a new song to sing."

"Sounds easy enough." Rachel said. Elizabeth started singing.

Just a small town girl living in a lonely world

She took the midnight train going anywhere

"Where's Schue when you need him." Puck mumbled and Quinn smacked him. Brenda sang next.

Anywhere you are is home

I don't need a mansion on a hill

Sam came in with the next part.

Hills that's where I want to be

Living in Beverly hills, rolling like a celebrity

"I'm already out dude." Chord said, causing a few people to laugh. Mercedes sang,

Celebrity are you too good for me?

Is that what you've been thinking lately?

Celebrity you too good to be true

What do you want?

Tell me baby

Sam laughed when Tina began singing.

Baby, baby, baby oh

Like baby, baby, baby, no

Like baby,baby, baby no oh

Baby...In High School?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz