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About three hours later, Sam and Brenda finally got up and went upstairs. Rachel was sitting on the couch and Finn was laying on his back with Brooklyn on his chest. Brenda took a picture of them.

"Hey, what's today?" Brenda asked as Sam picked Brooklyn up.

"It's the seventeenth." Rachel answered.

"Oh." Brenda said, nodding."Wait, Brookie's a month old today!" She tickled her stomach and kissed her forehead.

"Damn, already?" Sam asked."It sure as heck doesn't seem like it's been a month already."

"I know." Brenda patted his arm and sat with Rachel. She took her phone out and started going through pictures of Brooklyn and showing them to Rachel. She pointed at one and said,

"That one is so adorable!" She said. Brenda smiled and nodded.

"Sam took that one." Brenda said, grinning.

"It looks really good."

"Oh my gosh!" Brenda exclaimed. Sam and Finn looked at her.

"What?" Sam asked. She got up, holding her finger up at him. She went up stairs to her mom's room and grabbed the neatly wrapped box and came back downstairs.

"Sam, let Finn hold Brooklyn." She said. Sam made a confused face but did as he was asked. She sat on his knee and held the box in front of him.

"What's this?" He asked, taking it. She smiled.

"Open it." She said. He raised an eyebrow but smiled at how excited she seemed to be. He took the bow off and stuck it on Finn's head. Rachel giggled and took a picture of him. Sam unwrapped it and then looked at Brenda, shocked.

"Seriously?" He asked. She smiled, nodding. It was a Nikon D5200 Dslr Camera with 18-55mm lens."This had to be what? Like four hundred dollars?"

"Well, I had some money saved up. I was going to give it to you on your birthday, but I kinda forgot." She grinned sheepishly.

"You didn't have to buy this for me babe, but thank you."

"Do you like it?" She asked the smile starting to fade.

"Yeah! I love it. It's awesome!" He kissed her cheek and her smile was back.

"I'm happy you like it. I know how much you like taking pictures and you take some freaking amazing pictures, even with that crappy old camera you have and your phone." She said. He rolled his eyes at the comment about his camera.

"I haven't been able to afford a new camera." He said. Finn and Rachel took that as their cue to go into the kitchen with Brooklyn.

"I know with my job and everything, I have a good amount saved up but all I've been worried about is providing for you and Brook. I've never really used any of it for myself."

"Sam...Look, I know how much you love to take pictures. I've seen some of them on your computer. I want you to use some of the money that you have saved up and buy whatever you need, because I really think you could have a career in photography."

"You really think so?" He asked. She nodded.

"The picture I showed to Rachel, of Brooklyn, it was so good! And not just because she was in it, but that was a great part to it." He chuckled."It was the perfect angel, it looks like a professional took it."

"I agree." Rachel said."I don't mean to interrupt, but you know, that's kind of my thing." The two laughed."The picture of Brooklyn was beautiful, and I've seen some of the pictures you've taken, including some of me and Finn. I think you could have a career in photography too."

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