Taking Sam To The Doctor

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Monday, August 13th, 2012

1 PM

By now, everyone knew that Sam would have to go to the doctor because of what happened on Friday and now, the guys didn't think it was all that funny anymore. Sam was still waddling around, trying not to complain about hurting.

"We'll see y'all in a little bit." Brenda called to everyone as they left. Sam sighed and put his elbow on the window and put his cheek in his hand, and looked at her.

"I don't even want to do this. I don't want some old woman looking at my junk." He mumbled. She kept herself from laughing and rubbed his knee while keeping her eyes on the road.

"I know baby. If I were you, I'd kick Chris just as hard."

"I wouldn't, because I wouldn't wish something this painful on anyone, I don't care who it is." She laughed this time.

"How do you think I feel? I have to push a baby out of my vagina in about six months. Just imagine that."

"I really don't want to." He mumbled and she laughed again. When they got there, Sam signed in and sat down with Brenda. There was four other men in there, but there injuries weren't like Sam's. One man had a broken arm, another had a broken leg, the other two had some kind of cut with stitches on them or something. Sam looked around again and took a deep breath.

"Sam Evans." The doctor called. He looked up and realized the other four men had already been in and out. He stood up slowly and Brenda followed him as he followed the doctor. She was older, and looked like she was really nice. She took them to a room and said,

"I'll have a nurse come in and check your blood pressure and all before I come in. I'm Dr. Andrews by the way." Sam nodded and managed to sit on the table without hurting himself anymore. Brenda sat in the chair beside him. After a few minutes of waiting, there was a light knock on the door and a nurse came in. She smiled at them and put her computer on the counter, sitting on the circle rolling chair.

"What's your name?"

"Sam Evans."



"Are you allergic to anything?"

"No ma'am."

"Taking any medicine?"

"No ma'am."

"How tall are you?"


"Wow you're tall. How much do you weigh?"

"215 pounds." He answered. She typed all of that in and turned around to look at him.

"So, what's the problem here?" She asked nicely.

"Um, I'm kind of bruised, really bad down here." He pointed to his privates. She raised an eyebrow.

"Did you get kicked down there?" He nodded bashfully."There's nothing to be ashamed of, Sam. Can I take a look at it really quick?" She asked. He nodded, his face turning red. He stood up and unzipped his pants and did the same thing he did when he showed Brenda. She didn't touch him or anything, which he was happy about.

"Goodness! Who kicked you so hard?" She asked, standing up straight. He zipped his pants back up.

"My brother did last Friday." Brenda answered."He found out that I'm pregnant."

"Oh, I see. I know that has to hurt." She said, looking back at Sam, who nodded. She went to the cabinet and took out what looked like a folded up white blanket, but it was just a long piece of paper. She handed it to Sam and said,

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