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Saturday, May 25, 2013

"Dude, lighten up! I know you don't want to be away from Brenda and Brook for so long, but hey, at least you'll be winning a Nationals trophy!" Puck said. Sam scowled at him. He had to spend the night away from Brenda last night and he hated it.

"Well I'm sorry, Puck. At least you didn't have to leave your girlfriend and daughter at home like I did." Sam rolled his eyes and walked away from Puck, sitting in the corner and looking at his camera. Puck was actually pissed at Sam because he was sort of out of it. Sam didn't sleep last night and it wasn't helping the competition at all, especially because he couldn't dance to save his life. He was acting all depressed because he was away from Brenda and the baby for one night, which isn't that big of a deal.

"Puck, don't be mad at him." Rachel said. Puck made a face at her.

"Why? It's not that big a deal! It's not my fault he can't cope with being without Brenda for a damn day. Or the fact that he can't dance for shit."

"Fuck off Puck." Sam said, rolling his eyes. Meanwhile, Mr. Schue was greeting Brenda and her mom, who drove since early this morning to be here today and surprise everyone. They were on the bottom floor, and so was everyone else, but they were in their practice room.

"Mr. Schue!" Brittany called. They all looked at her as she jogged up to them."Oh, hey Brenda, hey Mrs. Jackson. Hey Brookie." She waved at them."We have a problem."


"Puck and Sam are fighting again. Well, Sam is standing there while Finn keeps Puck away from him and Puck is swearing and insulting Sam." Brenda and Mr. Schue groaned and they rushed towards the practice room, Donna staying in the lounge with Brooklyn.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Schue yelled. Everyone looked at them and hardly noticed Brenda, including Sam.

"Ask him, Mr. Schue. I don't know why he all of a sudden hates me. All I've done for him is help him." Sam said calmly, shrugging. Puck scoffed.


"Oh, I don't know, maybe helping you apologize to Quinn all the times you fucked up. I helped-No, scratch that, I painted Beth's room, and put together most of her furniture, for free, might I add. That's not even all of it. But you know. I'm the one everyone blames stuff on. I'm the one who always screws up apparently." Sam just scoffed and walked out of the room. Brenda looked at Puck.

"You done fucked up, Royally." She said, and ran after him. Mr. Schue started nodding.

"I kind of have to agree with her. Now get back to work! I better not see anything like that from you again, Puck. I mean it. Or you won't be graduating with the rest of your class."

"Sam!" Brenda called. He turned around, a weird look on his face. He grinned widely.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, hugging her."Where's Brook?"

"She's with mama. We came here to surprise you and everyone else, but I got the surprise instead. Are you alright?"

"Of course I am, especially now that you're here." She smiled and kissed him.

"I mean with what Puck was saying. I heard a lot of it before I even came in the room." Sam shrugged.

"He can say what he wants. I know what is and isn't true. I just hope he knows he lost a friend."


That afternoon, The New Directions performed first, and they were all nervous, especailly the seniors. Sam was excited and full of energy now that he's got to see Brenda and Brooklyn. The girls performed 'Edge of Glory' first.

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