Baby Shower

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Saturday, December 15th, 2014

27.6 weeks

7 AM

Saturday morning, Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes, Rachel, and Quinn went to Brenda and Sam's house, it was practically Sam's too, since he helped pay the bills with his checks, before anyone was awake. Mercedes used the key that Brenda had given her to open the door. They, quietly as possible, went down to the basement and made sure that the bedroom door was closed, and started decorating the room. They were finished by 8:30, and went upstairs to make the food. While they were in the kitchen, Chord came downstairs from his room, opened the refrigerator, got a water bottle out, shut the door and started walking back up stairs. He paused and walked back down, stopping in the doorway of the kitchen, whereas everyone was staring at him.

"How the hell did you get in here?" He asked, insanely confused.

"Brenda gave me a key." Mercedes said, walking over to him and getting on her tippy toes to kiss him. He smiled at her.

"So Sam and Brenda don't know you're here?" He asked.

"No, they don't. Please text them both and tell them to not come out of their room until everyone is here and everything is ready." Kurt said. He raised an eyebrow and nodded, going back up stairs to his room after he texted them.


9 AM

Sam woke up around 9 o'clock, and checked his phone, seeing that Chord sent him a text saying 'Kurt told me to tell you and Brenda to not come out of your room until everyone is here and everything is ready. If you need something, tell me and I'll bring it to you so he doesn't kill my ass'. Sam chuckled, kissing Brenda's forehead and getting up. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth. He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked back into their room, where Brenda was sitting up on the bed, sitting Indian style, one hand on her stomach, and her phone in one hand. She looked up at him as he walked by her.

"Good morning. Did you get a text from Chord too?" She asked.

"Good morning, and yes, I did." He answered, going into their closet and pulling out dark blue jeans and a black polo. He went to his dresser and took out a pair of socks and boxers, grinned at her, then went back in the bathroom to put his clothes on. He put his cologne on and went back to their room.

"Are you going to take a shower?" Sam asked.

"Nope. I took one last night, and I don't feel like taking another one now." Sam laughed, sitting next to her. They talked for a few minutes and she said,

"Help me up, I gotta go brush my teeth. My breath is probably rotten." He laughed again and helped her up. She put her makeup on and brushed her teeth, then put on a bra and a purple dress that showed off her belly even more than usual. She looked down at her feet, at least tried to.

"I can't see my feet." She said, looking at Sam. He immediately said,

"You're not fat. Our baby girl is just gonna be a big baby." She snorted. She went to her desk and picked up her bottle of purple nail polish. She gave it to Sam and sat beside him, putting her feet in his lap. He looked at her.


"Yep, I can't reach my feet either." She answered, texting Chord and telling him to bring her something to drink. She looked at him as he shook the bottle up and opened it." You want something to drink?" She asked. He nodded. She told Chord to bring them both something. Sam was done with one foot by the time Chord came in. Brenda was giggling hysterically while Sam tried to do her other foot.

"I'm not even toughing the bottom of your foot!"

"It still tickles!" She giggled. He laughed. Chord just looked at them like they were insane, put their drinks on the table, and walked back out after saying,

"Almost everyone is here. Kurt will come get you in a few minutes. And you better not cry, Brenda!" The two expectant parents looked at each other.

"You're brother is weird." Brenda said. Sam sighed and looked at her seriously.

"I know." Was all he said as he finally finished painting her toenails. "I don't know why you're painting your toe nails, it's not like anyone will see them."

"Yes they will. You act like I'm actually gonna wear shoes today. Um, not happening." He chuckled and kissed her on the lips."Will you braid my hair really quick?" She asked. He nodded and sat behind her.

"How you want it?" He asked.

"French side braid please." He nodded and got to work braiding her thick, long hair. By the time he was done, Kurt came to get them.

"Okay, mommy and daddy! Time for your baby shower!" He said, overly happy. Sam shook his head as they followed him. Everyone yelled surprise when they saw them. Brenda wanted to cry when she saw all the decorations and presents pilled up on a table in the corner. She hugged everyone, including her brother, who was there as well. They ate and talked, played games like Don't Say Baby, Guess The Baby Food, Guess The Mothers Measurements and Guess How Many Diapers Are In The Diaper Bag. Sam won Don's Say Baby and Guess The Baby Food, whereas he never swallowed it, he spit it out and told them what it was and said,

"How the hell do babies eat this shit?" Which would make everyone laugh. Brenda won Guess How Many Diapers Are In The Diaper Bag, and Mercedes Won Guess The Mothers Measurements. Soon, the boys, except Sam, moved all of the presents in front of the two.

"Y'all really didn't have to get us anything, especially since it's so close to Christmas-" Brenda started but she was interrupted by Kurt.

"No, no, no. We wanted to do it, so let us do it!" He exclaimed, making her laugh."And the both of you have to open stuff." He added, handing them each a present. They looked at each other and shrugged, opening them. They were both boxes with a bunch of baby clothes and binkies. Sam snorted and covered his face when he saw what was on the front of one of the shirts. He handed it to Brenda the shirt and let her read it, which led to her laughing too.

"It says 'My daddy's not letting me date till I'm 30' with a smiley face." Sam said, folding it and putting it back. They opened all of the presents, getting a lot of diapers, baby bottles, stuffed animals, baby blankets, binkies, bibs, dresses, toys, all kinds of stuff.

"Okay, this is the last two presents, and they are for the both of you personally." Santana said, handing them both an equal in size box. They opened them at the same time. Brenda's was a locket with a picture of her, Sam, and an ultrasound in it. She let a few tears fall as she hugged her. Sam's was a dog tag with 'Baby Girl Evans' engraved on one side, and then an ultrasound of the baby on the other side.

"You can have her name and birthday engraved on it once she's born." Santana said. He ran his thumb over the picture and stood up, hugging her.

"Thanks Santana, it's awesome."

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