Collapsing Part 1

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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

33.2 weeks

The next day was pretty much the same, but without the Braxton Hicks contractions. The test lasted a little bit longer than yesterday, and her head was pounding, but it wasn't because she was hungry. Almost everything was sore, and she felt sort of light headed, but while her and Sam were on the way to lunch, after the test was over, she thought nothing of it. Again, they were the first few people at the table, Quinn and Rachel being there before them. Mr. Schue had pizza again for some reason, but everyone was happy. About half way through lunch, Brenda hadn't eaten, and Sam was already done with his food. She stood up, slightly dizzy, and put her hand on Sam's shoulder.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute." Sam nodded, and she slowly started walking towards the cafeteria doors. He looked at Rachel and Quinn, and said,

"Go with her. I think something is wrong." The two nodded and followed her. They stood on either side of her at the sink.

"Brenda? Are you okay?" Rachel asked gently. She shook her head."Are you in pain? Do you think the baby is coming." She shook her head again.

"No...I don't feel good and I feel light headed. Please go get Sam." She said, looking at Rachel, her eyes looking miserable. Rachel nodded and quickly ran out of the bathroom. Brenda went to shift slightly, and she stumbled, but Quinn caught her and gently lowered her to the floor so that she was leaning against the wall.

Meanwhile, Rachel was in the cafeteria, trying to get Sam's attention, but he couldn't hear her. She ran to their table, right up to him. By the look on her face, he knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong? Is it the baby?" He asked, standing up.

"I- I don't know," She sounded out of breath,"She said she didn't feel good and that she was light headed." She answered. Immediately, he took off down the hall way, towards the girls bathroom, Rachel and Mr. Schue at his heels. None of them expected her to be sitting on the floor, her head laying against the wall. Sam knelt beside her, Mr. Schue on the other side.

"Brenda, baby, what's wrong?"All she did was groan.

"Quinn, call an ambulance, quickly." Mr. Schue told her.

"No..." Brenda whispered.

"You're going to the hospital, Brenda. Think about the baby, okay? You don't want anything to happen to her do you?" She shook her head, looking like she wanted to cry. He stood up, put one arm behind her back, and the other under her knees. He stood up, carrying her bridal style. Meanwhile, Quinn was on the phone with paramedics.

"My friend is pregnant, and she's feeling really bad and she's light headed. She looks like she's about to pass out."

"How far along is she ma'am?"

"How far along is she, Sam?"

"33 weeks." He said, walking out of the bathroom, with her still in his arms.

"Where are you going?" Rachel and Mr. Schue asked, the three following him.

"I'm taking her to the nurses office until they get here, so she can lay on one of the beds in there instead of the floor." He answered. 15 minutes later, paramedics arrived. Sam lifted her up again, easily, and gently put her on the stretcher. Sam rode in the ambulance with them, after telling Rachel,

"Tell everyone what happened, and Mr. Schue, please call her mom." Mr. Schue nodded. Sam was being pretty calm about what was going on, but they knew he was trying not to freak Brenda out. Once everyone knew what was going on, they went up to the hospital, where Sam was sitting in the emergency room waiting room. He was sitting in one of the chairs, his knee bouncing up and down, biting his thumb nail. He still looked calm, but anyone could see in his eyes that he was scared, and holding it all back.

"Have they told you anything?" Puck asked, as everyone sat down around him. He shook his head and sighed.

"No...She passed out on the way here. They had a breathing mask on her and everything."He said quietly.

"How are you being so calm about this?" Puck, being the idiot he is, asked. Sam looked up at him.

"You seriously think that I'm calm right now? I might be acting like I am, but I'm sure as hell not. I'm freaking out on the inside, I'm worrying out of my mind. Something could have gone wrong with the baby or- I don't know." He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. He shook his head and ignored everyone, going back to staring at the ground blankly, his leg bouncing up and down, chewing on his thumb nail.

Baby...In High School?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang