Decorating The Nursery

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Sunday, December 30th, 2012

30 weeks

Last week of Christmas Break

Around 12 o'clock that day, Sam and Brenda got ready and went to the mall, after eating lunch at least. They went to Bed, Bath & Beyond to look for a crib, dresser, etc. They bought a crib and a bassinet, so the baby could sleep in the same room with them, where ever they were, along with a crib mattress and sheet, everything thing they'd need. they got a regular set of baby monitors, along with the kind that has a camera and you can see inside the entire room. They got a white rocking chair with cushions that tied to the bars, a dresser, a changing table with little drawers in it to keep wipes and diapers. They got shelves to hang on the wall along with a toy box for all the toys she already had, and will probably get in the future. They arranged it with the manager for Sam and Chord to bring Sam's truck later that day to get everything after they paid for it. Then they went to another store, where they sold a bunch of different colored paint. They found a purple that they liked, that wasn't too girly, because Brenda didn't want it to be too girly. Know one knew why, but Sam was happy that she didn't want the room to be. They took the paint with them. When they got back, Sam and Chord went and got the furniture, and by the time they got everything in the baby's room, the both of them were tired. Chord took a nap up stairs while Sam and Brenda took a nap in their room.


Monday, December 31st, 2012

Instead of celebrating New Years today, they would tomorrow, even though it's New Years Eve. Some time after lunch, they got to work on the baby's room, both being the only two people in the house, since Chris was off wedding planning with his fiance', Donna was at work, and Chord was with Mercedes. They found a bunch of newspapers in the kitchen and put them all over the floor. Brenda had on one of Sam's old T-shirts and a pair of old, big sweat pants that she would never wear out in public, and Sam had his painting shirt and painting pants on, along with his ball cap on backwards. Yeah, he paints a lot. He helped Finn paint Carole and Burt's house a few weeks ago. Sam poured the paint in the paint tray and got a roller ready for both him and her, handing her hers. They started painting a different wall, and Brenda said,

"You know, I'm surprised you're actually letting me paint."

"Yeah, well, I knew you were excited about helping me paint the room and I mean, it's not that much work anyways so..." He answered. She stuck her tongue out at him. When they finished all four walls, Brenda sat on the floor and did the bottom, where the rollers couldn't reach, and Sam did the top. They did two coats on each wall, then they painted the trip white again, since it was starting to chip off. Sam helped Brenda up off the floor, then he started picking up the newspaper and cleaning everything else up. Brenda stood in the door way, looking at the walls, and Sam walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Looks pretty good, huh?" He asked, kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, I love the color." She said, turning around and hugging him around the waist.

"Why don't we go get something to eat, shower and get this paint and sweat off of us, then lay in bed for the rest of the day and watch movies?" He said, looking down at her. She smiled up at him and nodded.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." He replied, leaning down to kiss her.

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