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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

After school, Rachel, Finn, Puck, and Quinn went to Brenda's house to visit them and Brooklyn.

"We really miss you in Glee club, girl." Quinn told Brenda. Them and Rachel were sitting on the couch talking while the boys were on the floor around Brooklyn, making stupid faces while she just looked at them as if they were crazy, even though she's a month old.

"I miss Glee club too, and I've just been really tired. I won't let Sam get up with Brooklyn most nights because of school and it's taking it's tole, so I'm just staying home for a while and getting sleep." Brenda said."In a couple more weeks I'll have my 6 week check up-"

"Hey, that means you and him can do the dirty again." Puck said. Sam smacked him in the head as hard as he could.

"One more time, Puckerman. One more time to say something else about that and I'll bruise your nuts just like Chris did to me." Sam glared at him.

"Sorry dude." Puck scooted away from him slightly and Sam rolled his eyes but laughed.

"And Puck, the only reason we had sex that one time is because you freaking gave us more alcohol than everyone else. We haven't done anything since that night. Actually, thank you, because Brooklyn wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for that." Brenda made a face as she said it and Sam laughed, burying his face in his arms.

"That's why I love you, babe."

"Love you too, Sammy."

"So, do you guys want to come shopping with me and Puck Friday? Shelby said that Beth has a cold, so she's going to wait until next week to bring her. She's already sent some stuff out here, we just haven't gotten it yet. We still have to paint the room and all."

"Do you have paint and stuff?" Sam asked, sitting up and sitting cross-legged on the floor with Brooklyn on his chest. Finn and Puck sat next to him.

"Yeah. Why?"

"We don't have school tomorrow, so I can come over and help paint then if you want." He said

"Dude, that'd be awesome."

"We have an appointment with brook, so if it's alright with lil mama we'll come by later and I'll get started."

"We already started on the painting ac couple days ago. The walls are white, but we were thinking of maybe having her name painted on the wall, with something that has to do with Tinkerbell. Shelby said she loves her."

"So maybe have her name painted, what color?"

"Here, I found this picture, I don't remember where." Quinn showed him the picture she was talking about.

"Oh, that's easy. I can do that."

"Really? I'll even pay you to do it."

"Don't worry about it, Quinn. I love painting and I did Brooklyn's wall kind of like that. Just her name painted across the wall in cursive. This'll be easier because it's shorter and not in cursive." He made a face and they laughed.

"And while just us girls go shopping, the boys can stay at your house and do the dirty work." Rachel said, grinning.

"I absolutely love that idea." Brenda said, grinning evilly at Sam, who snorted.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Quinn said.

"While you girls are gone, I'll be bringing the booze. And I know you're staring at me, Brenda, I'm just kidding.

"Sam will be fine with Puck. He's a little more mature now.

"He's little all together." Santana said, walking in as if she owned the place. Everyone looked at her weird.

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