Brooklyn Harmony Evans

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Sam and Brenda woke up many times since falling asleep, but Renee would always tell them to go back to sleep, and to let her know if Brenda started feeling the contractions. The last time they woke up, everyone was still there, and Renee came in to check her dilation. After a few seconds, she grinned.

"You're at 9 centimeters. It definitely won't be long now. She'll make an appearance within the next hour." She left again.

"Could you write down the lyrics to that song?" Sam asked Quinn. She nodded.

"Do you guys want a camera up there?" Artie asked. Everyone looked at him curiously.

"Where?" He pointed at the shelf above the bed side table."For what?"

"It won't be able to see anything down there, in that...region."He blushed saying that, which made Brenda snort. "It will only have like, from the top of her stomach up, and it'll catch both of your reactions when she's born. It's only for you two or whoever you want to see it." Sam and Brenda whispered to each other, and they both nodded at the same time.


"Here, you'll have to put it up there."He said, handing Sam the camera, that was already on and ready to go."Move it to where your comfortable with what is showing." Sam nodded and put it up there, and made sure you couldn't see anything no one should see. Thirty minutes later, Brenda made a shocked sound and sat straight up. Sam sat all the way up with her.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Someone get Renee. It felt like she...dropped, or something." She answered. Santana got up to get Renee.

"Did it hurt?" He asked.

"No, not really. It just felt really weird-Nevermind. I can feel the contractions now," And she felt the urge to push. But she didn't. Renee came in right after the contraction was over. She checked her dilation and grinned.

"Alright! Everybody out! She's at ten centimeters dilated!" Sam and Brenda smiled at each other, and Sam kissed her on the cheek. Everyone hugged them and wished them luck before leaving the room.

"We'll have a baby next time you see us!" Brenda called, as a few nurses came into the room, wheeling a basinet into the room, where they'll put the baby to clean her, put a diaper on her, and swattle her. Then a little rolling table with a few tools on it. Renee pushed a button, and part of the bed flipped down, and then she pulled out the things where Brenda puts her feet. Dr Linda came in, in scrubs with gloves and a mask over her mouth and nose. They could tell she smiled when she came in. She asked the few nurses that were in the room if everything was ready, and it was.

"Alright sweetie, just put your legs up here, and Sam, if needed, help her sit up at any time."

"Of course." Sam was shaking, but not to much. He was nervous. He could tell that Brenda was in pain, because of the faces she was making and the sweat on her forehead. He grabbed her hand. He had pressed play on the camera, and he was facing it.

"Alright, your her labor coach correct?" Dr. Linda asked Sam, who nodded."Okay, when you feel a contraction come on, start pushing. When she starts pushing, Sam, count from 1 to 10, and you can rest and breathe for a few seconds, Brenda. Okay?" They nodded. After a few seconds, she had a contraction and pushed as hard as she could.

"Count, Sam."Linda told him.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10."

An hour later

6:25 P.M.

Brenda had been pushing for over an hour, and still no baby. She was sweating and crying, and steady threatened Sam, saying that she was going to cut of his man hood, altough he knew it was the pain talking.

"Push, push, push!" Linda exclaimed. Sam was helping her sit up at the time, not even bothering counting, because each contraction pretty much came every few seconds.

"I am pushing damn it!" Brenda yelled, slamming back against the bed, breathing hard.

"She's crowning!" Linda said loudly. Brenda wasn't pushing though.

"Sam, I can't do it. It hurts to much." She cried.

"Yes you can, baby. You can do it. I know it hurts, but it's all worth it in the end. Just a few more pushes and our little girl will be here." She nodded, unable to say anything else yet because of the pain. She sat up with his help, and started pushing. She tried to muffle a scream through her teeth, but it could be heard. After a few more minutes of pushing, they finally heard the cry of their daughter.

"It's a girl!" Dr. Linda exclaimed happily as she laid the baby on Brenda's chest. Both her and Sam were crying.

"Are you gonna cut the cord, dad?" Linda asked, smiling. He nodded and took the scissor things, despite his hand shaking, and cut where she told him too. He went back to Brenda's side. She was caressing her face, not even caring that she was getting gunk all over her hand. After a few seconds, Renee takes the baby to clean her up, and Sam kissed Brenda, then watches them clean her, put her in a diaper, and swattle her. While he was up there, Linda took care of everything in her lady bits, while Brenda watched Sam watch them. He was smiling and crying.

"Do you want to take her to Brenda?" Renee asked after she swattled the baby, who was now just making small sounds every once in a while.

"My hands are shaking and one is numb from all the squeezing. I'd probably drop her, and I don't want to do that." Renee chuckled.

"Alright, I'll bring her to you two." He immediately sat down, and Renee put the baby in Brenda's arms. She started crying again. All the nurses left, along with Linda. Sam had tears of joy running down his face, as he stared at his daughter. She looked exactly like him. The only resemblance to Brenda were her cheeks. Chubby red cheeks.

"She's beautiful."Sam whispered, feeling her soft, warm skin on her cheek. Brenda smiled up at him.

"She looks like you."She said. He smiled."Did you see the color of her hair?"Sam shook his head no. Brenda gently pulled the little hat off her head and giggled when she saw the blond curly hair.

"She has your hair color." She said.

"And you're curls."He added, smiling. He kissed her again. They stayed like that for a few minutes and she asked,

"Do you want to hold her?"

"Trust me, I'd love to hold her, but my hand is totally numb and they're both still shaking, and I'd probably drop her. I'll hold her in a few minutes. I'd actually rather just stare at both of you."She blushed, but he couldn't tell because her face was still red anyway.

"What should we name her?" Sam asked.

"Remember the name Brittany suggested earlier? Brooklyn?" He nodded.

"I really like that name. And Harmony for her middle name?"He asked. She smiled widely and nodded.

"Brooklyn Harmony Evans. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" She asked, looking at him. He nodded and kissed her again.

Baby...In High School?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang