Auditions Part 1

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2:30 PM

"Hey, Mr. Schue!" Sam called. It was free period and Mr. Schue was on his way to the choir room.

"Hey Sam." Mr. Schue said, grinning at him.

"Can I talk to you for a second? It's about Brenda and the baby."

"Of course, and congratulations by the way. I've seen pictures on Facebook, she's beautiful."

"Thanks, Mr. Schue." They went into his office and shut the door.

"What's up?"

"Well, you know how Brenda can't come back to school until next year, right?" Mr. Schue nodded,"And she obviously can't be in Glee club. If she could be, I wouldn't let her." He nodded again, and laughed."Do you think she can maybe come and sit and watch Glee rehearsal? She wants to come watch, but she doesn't want to have to leave Brooklyn with her mom yet."

"Well, she can bring the baby with her."

"Seriously?" Mr. Schue nodded."Awesome, she'll be so happy."

"I have a little job for her if she's up to it." Sam raised an eyebrow."All she has to do is sit and judge people."

"'Well she does that anyway." After realizing what he said, he covered his mouth,"Oh, don't tell her I said that." Mr. Schue burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't that funny." Sam pouted playfully and that caused him to laugh more."It's just the face you made when you said that."Sam laughed and checked his phone. Brenda sent him another picture of Brooklyn. He showed Mr. Schue.

"She really is beautiful, Sam."

"Thanks." Then they were interrupted by Rachel, who said,

"We have Glee club you know-oh, is that my wittle baby?" She asked, seeing the picture of Brooklyn. She took Sam's phone and showed everyone the picture of Brooklyn in her little onsie. The girls started giggling and going through Sam's pictures.

"Wait a second, let me see that picture again." Mr. Schue said, a weird look on his face. Brittany pulled the picture back up and showed it to him."Does that say what I think it says?" He asked. Sam grinned widely and nodded."Congratulations on that to Sam! I'm really happy for you." Sam just grinned at him. The girls spent a good ten minutes going through the pictures on his phone, looking at pictures of mainly Brenda and the baby. When they gave it back to him, Mr. Schue said,

"Great, everyone is here and I have good news." He picked up a marker and wrote on the board 'Nationals'."I picked the songs for nationals. The songs are, 'Paradise By The Dashboard Light' by Meat Loaf-"

"What kinda name is 'Meat Loaf'?" Santana asked. Sam snorted.

"The next song is 'Edge of Glory' by Lady Gaga and finally, a solo, 'It's All Coming Back To Me Now' by Celine Dion. I'll be holding auditions for the lead." He said.

"Oh my gosh, my voice is perfect for that song." Rachel exclaimed.

"Hey, Berry, that's my solo." Mercedes argued.

"Guys chill, everyone will have a fair chance at getting the solo." Tina said, trying to calm them down.

"Fair, yeah right. I'm pretty sure Rachel will get it. She always does." Quinn said, rolling her eyes

"Oh shut up, Miss Barbie. That solo belongs to me." Santana said. All at once, the girls, minus Tina and Brittany, began arguing. It soon became a screaming match between them. They were ignoring everyone around them, so Sam whistled loudly and it caused everyone to cover their ears.

"Look, I love you girls, you're all like sisters to me, but damn. Really? Screaming at each other like this isn't going to solve anything. Whoever screams the loudest isn't going to get the solo. And frankly, I'm pretty sure my daughter's got all y'all beat with the screaming her head off, just like y'all are doing right now." Everyone stared at him and the girls all sat down and stayed quiet."Thank you. Mr. Schue, go ahead." Sam looked over at Puck, Finn, and Mike and saw that they were all biting their fists and trying not to laugh. Sam snorted and that made the three all burst out laughing. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You already sound like a dad, dude." Artie said.

"That's probably a good thing, since he's gonna be next years leader." Finn said in all seriousness. Sam's smile went away for a second because he was confused.

"Wait what?"

"You're gonna be a senior next year, and since I'm graduating, someone has to take my place and I want that person to be you." Sam grinned and fist bumped Finn.

"Awesome." He said, grinning cutely. Fin rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Your auditions are at the end of the week, so be ready." The final bell rang." Have a good afternoon guys." Everyone left and Sam rode with Chord and Mercedes back home. Brenda was sitting on the couch beside her brother, her grandpa sitting in the recliner holding a sleeping Brooklyn and Donna was in another chair.

"Hey baby." Brenda said, waving at Sam. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her. He shook Pa's hand and then looked down at Brooklyn, who looked like a frog because of the way she was laying. He ran a finger lightly across her cheek and she cooed. He smiled and then went in the kitchen. Brenda followed him and as he grabbed the box of pizza out of the fridge, she said,

"Phew, my boobies hurt." He looked at her weird."What? Try having big ole boobies along with breast milk and then having a baby suck on them."

"Um, no thank you." He said and took a bite out of a piece of pizza. She laughed and sat beside him on a stool.

"Did you have a good first day back?"

"It was alright, other than just about getting my head screamed off in Glee club." She raised an eyebrow and he said,"The girls were arguing over the solo for Nationals." He told her.

"Oh, okay."

"I got them to shut up though." He said.


"I'll tell you later." He said, then whispered,"There was some cussing and you know how your grandpa has that selective hearing."

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