Chapter 8|Lonely

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Chaeyeon's pov

After Yiren comforted me she went back to her friends and I closed my eyes again, the evaluations started and there is only one shot at this, i was 5th in line so I went infront of the camera to start.

"YG Entertainment Yu Chaeyeon"

After introducing myself the camera started to shoot and I started to sing and dance, i was so nervous that when the music stopped my knees were wobbly. I couldn't believe I did it, i finished the song without any mistakes. I went back and sat down where I was sitting, i did felt eyes on me but at that moment i didn't care.

Most trainees made mistakes and they were crying, after the evaluation I went back to the dorms wanting to shower. Somehow I feel that some of these girls hate me, i don't know why but they just give me negetive vibe. The people i can point out are Yena and Eunbi the most and some others that I don't know their names. I was busy walking thinking when someone call for my attention.

"Chaeyeon-nah!!", i looked back and it was Sakura and i waited for her.

"Mmh", today it's my first time talking to her

"How are you", she asked in Japanese and i responded her in Japanese

"I'm good and you?"

"Good just lonely, my friends are in other groups"

"I can understand", i said patting her shoulder

"Where are you going?"


"Can i join?"


We walked together to the bathrooms chatting and laughing, mind became calm. When we arrived at the dorms we went to the bathroom, the minute we enter the bathroom I found my toiletry bag on the floor and everything inside also on the floor in front of the toilet.

"Didn't I put everything in my toiletry bag and zip it after showering? Then how is it on the floor?", i thought out loud

"Is this yours?", Sakura asked

"Mmmh", i responded squating down to pick up everything Sakura also helped me

I noticed that my toothbrush was dirty, almost like someone scrabbed the floor with it and I knew it was done intentionally. I pretended like i didn't see anything

"How did your staffs end up on the floor?", Yiren asked entering

"I think maybe I forgot to zip it when I went out and it fell", Sakura just looked at me sad and i shook my head lightly

It seems like she also noticed it was done intentionally, i went to the PD-nim and ask if I can take out my toletries inside my other bag that i came with. I took out a new toothbrush, soap, bathing towel, deodorant, perfume, pads and medications and then I threw away the old ones. I didn't want to confront anyone so i just ignored it.

After taking shower I took my toletry bag to the bedroom and put it beside my pillow, i sleep on the top bed. I didn't even eat dinner I just went to sleep, i did heard people talking about me when I was sleeping. Saying I was ugly and shouldn't have come here, just because I'm from YG Entertainment i think I own the competition and i should just go back to China before i contaminate them with ugliness.

I knew it was meant for me to hear it and it still hurts me, i sobbed myself to sleep. The month ended with me experiencing the same shit but I didn't report it or say anything, i knew I was not home in China and it's not like these people can't see what's going on since we have cameras in our bedrooms. The day that others got their phones I was not given mine, they told me that my phone was misplaced.

I didn't get to call home, it hurts honestly but there is nothing I can do. Though my rank was always steady I didn't feel happy at all, i hardly get any screen time but at this point I didn't care. All i wanted was to be eliminated and go home but the worst thing is it never happened no matter how hard I pray. There were many times i was tempted to go the pd and ask to leave but i remember the promise i made to the girls and I decided to finish this competition.

Then my worst nightmare happened when I was grouped with both and Eunbi and Yena in the same group, honestly I was scared of them but I didn't want to pull down the whole team because of my personal feelings. During our preparations my ideas were rejected so i just kept quiet bored, even when they asked who want to be a leader or centre i was not interested.

The PD-nim called me out and scolded me for looking sad on the camera since it's getting them bad reviews and i was not being conciderate of others, i was being selfish. I was told I'm being a brat by crying over petty issues and the girls were just teasing me so i should stop sulking, with how ugly I am I should be thankful that this show is giving opportunity for exposure and I'm nothing they can even kick me out if they want so i should pull my shit together.

She left me at the stairs and i just sat there crying, after sitting there for almost half an hour I adjusted my mood to go back to practice with my group. When I was standing to go down the stairs I twisted my ankle and i fell, luckly I didn't roll I fell on my butt. I pitied myself and sat there for 10 minutes then get up and walk back slowly, it was painful but i got there and I told them I was not feeling well then I went to sleep.

My ankle was swollen, the next day I took painkillers and wear leggings with long black socks and went to the practice room then dance. After dancing I was slightly limping but no one noticed, after practice I just went to take shower then take painkillers and went to sleep. The evaluation day arrived i was scared my ankle will play games with me, it was purple so after shower I applied it make-up.

I made it through evaluation without anyone noticing and i just have to perform on stage and finish without anyone noticing, luckily I was wearing long pants but the bad thing is that i wearing heel boots and the whole time i was walking with my toes on my left leg. We went on the stage and i just had to shut my mentality and make sure I don't focus on my ankle.

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